![]() We recently took a short trip to St. Augustine, and I insisted on stopping at The Fountain of Youth. My honey thought this would be incredibly hokey, but as he has learned, I am always right. It was only a little hokey. This picture is where the water source is. There's a man standing by a gentle fountain, pouring water into plastic cups. When asked if it would really give eternal youth (bet that's the first time he's heard that question), he replied, it will if you believe. What a great attitude! The grounds are lovely and you can attend a short planetarium visit and a Discovery Globe presentation, learn about The Timucua Indian Village, and watch a cannon firing by a man in period costume. My honey was particularly fascinated with that, since he owns a working cannon. (No jokes here, tempting though it may be.) Since this area is the main site of my current WIP, I took lots of notes and a few pictures. With all the fascinating history in this vicinity, I knew something interesting had to happen in the park, and it does. Places with rich history hold power, and that's what my characters needed. If you're in the area, stop by for a visit, and see if you too feel the magic. http://fountainofyouthflorida.reservestaugustine.com/da/fountain-youth-archaeological-park-st-augustine
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I recently saw a production called Botanica by the group MOMIX and all I can say is Wow! MOMIX is a "company of dancers-illusionists", but that doesn't fully describe what they do. For me, it was magic on stage. The costumes, props, and lighting are incredible. The music is fabulous, ranging from classical Vivaldi to Peter Gabriel and beyond.
There is a wide variety in the acts, and I found many of them delightfully sensual. Story ideas were popping into my head, but like a good audience member, I didn't pull out a flashlight and write them down. This was especially important since we were in the second row. *sigh* What a heavenly ninety minutes that was! I'm sharing this You Tube production since I didn't take pictures or videos because A) I don't like to distract the performers or my fellow audience members by holding up a phone or camera (hey, guy in front of me, there is already a video on You Tube. Put the damn camera down and watch the show), and B) I'm too busy enjoying the performance. If you have the chance to see this group, go! You won't be sorry. http://www.momix.com/ ![]() When I saw the call for submissions for the anthology, Coming Together: In Vein, I couldn't resist. I love short stories, vampires, and making charitable contributions when I can, though donations are often limited by my finances. Here was a chance to help a good cause and play with one of my favorite sub-genres, vampire erotica. The idea for my story, You'll Love the City, comes from my own rather wild past. Yes, I've ingested a few chemical substances in my day, and won't deny I had many, shall we say, interesting experiences. How would an ancient creature, looking for thrills in modern times, react to the effects of drugs? Enjoy this excerpt, and if you too are a vamp lover, buy the book. There is a nice variety of flavors in the stories, and anthologies are a great way to meet new authors. All sales of this novel-length volume support Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières). MSF works in nearly 70 countries providing medical aid to those most in need regardless of their race, religion, or political affiliation. You can help MSF in its life-saving mission, simply by indulging your passion for vampires. The list of contributors includes many names you'll recognize. Every one of these authors has provided his or her work free of charge, to support the charitable aims of the project. Furthermore, the editor is giving away a free copy of her short story collection Body Electric to everyone who buys a copy of Coming Together: In Vein. (For details of this offer, click here.) ********************** "You are getting sleepy," he said, staring into her eyes. "Huh? No I'm not. What the hell are you doing, trying to hypnotize me?" The juicy morsel, whose name had already escaped him, leaned away from him. "You're not getting sleepy?" "Hell no I'm not, and I better not be, with what I paid for that coke." "You drank a cola and that is keeping you awake?" "No, you weirdo. I snorted cocaine. That's keeping me awake. Listen, thanks for the drink but I think it's time for me to go." She slid off the stool, pulling her short skirt down. Cocaine. Whatever that was, he wanted to know more. This woman smelled even better up close, like fire and heat. Her dilated pupils told him something riotous was going on in her body. "I would like to try some of this cocaine. Can you buy it for me? I have a lot of money." Dekel pulled out a wad of cash as thick as a sub sandwich. Though the gesture was crude, he found it quite effective for getting people, especially women, to do what he wanted quickly. This one was no exception. Her eyes opened even wider and she licked her lips. "Shoot yeah, I can buy us, uh, buy you some. Come on, there's a place right around the corner a dude hangs out, usually has something." She took his arm and led him to the door. "Tell me your name again, sugar?" "My name is Dekel. If you would be so kind as to repeat yours…" "Lela. Remember that, you could be screaming it later." "What?" "Never mind, it's just a little funny saying." "Oh, I understand. A sexually provocative statement. Yes, I hope there will be screaming later." They smiled at each other, Dekel's not as wide as Lela's. He felt his fangs descending with excitement and didn't wish to scare her away. True to her word, Lela found cocaine and they headed back to Dekel's house. He was becoming more aroused by the minute, thinking of this new sensation he was about to experience. Lela talked non-stop, and twitched and squirmed incessantly. If the drug produced this effect on her, surely it would do something for him. She prepared the white powder, and he followed her lead, snorting a line up his nose. Nothing. "Give it a minute or two, sometimes it takes a bit to start working." Lela was already bouncing around, checking out his collection of books and erotic paintings on the floor -to-ceiling shelves and paneled walls. "You got some neat stuff her, Dekel. You collect pictures of naked people?" "Yes, I collect antique erotica. I'm not feeling anything. Should I inhale it again?" "Try a little more, but don't do too much. You don't want to overdose on your first try, right?" Dekel tried one more toot, then sank back in his chair, disappointed again. Yet another thing in this century that didn't work for him. Well, the evening shouldn't be a total loss. Smiling at Lela, he held out his hand. "Come here, I want to show you more of my artwork." Lela followed him into his bedroom, and ooed and ahhed over the paintings. Dekel stood close behind her, brushed the hair away from her neck, and licked her soft skin. With a quick nip of a fang, he drew blood. Lela yelped and grabbed her neck. "Ow! What are you doing? Did you just bite me?" "I'm sorry, my dear, I only wanted to kiss you. I must have got carried away." Dekel took a step back and blinked. What was this sensation rushing through his body? A tingle of intense pleasure, a burst of white-hot energy tickled his spine. Oh my, it must be the cocaine. More, more! Summoning all his power, he gazed into Lela's eyes. "Come, lay down here with me. It will be fine if I bite you. It won't hurt." "Well, okay, but not on the neck. I'm a model, I can't have marks on me." "Then I'll taste a hidden spot." Dekel eased down onto the bed with her, pushed her skirt up and spread her legs. There, that luscious crease where thigh met pussy. He licked her musky sweat, then gently sank one fang into her tender skin. Lapping up the thin rivulet of blood that trickled out, he thought he'd died again and gone to heaven. Jolts of electricity coursed through his body. He hadn't felt sensations like this when he was human, let alone as an undead creature. Another nick and more of her precious blood flowed into him. "Say, as long as you're down there…" During his many years of sexual encounters, Dekel had learned how to please women. Their juices after orgasm held a bit of power, and with the tiniest bit of suggestion, they allowed him access to this luscious fluid. He ripped off her panties, spread Lela's legs further apart and positioned himself between them. His tongue found her clit, already hardening, and he licked it lightly. A deep moan from Lela let him know he was on track. ********************** Buy Links for Coming Together in Vein Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/267380 All Romance Ebooks https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-comingtogetherinvein-1028715-139.html Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Together-In-Vein-ebook/dp/B00ARLD4QO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1357075783&sr=8-2&keywords=coming+together+in+vein My winner is Vera M. Thanks so much, everyone, for all the great comments. I enjoy hearing what other people think, and hope you do also. Thanks to Jennifer and Lisabet for organizing this hop. Happy New Year to everyone. (Can we quit saying that now? :-) I did something naughty for Christmas this year. I ordered a 'porn' DVD for my honey. Okay, it was really a gift for us both, I have to admit, and I wouldn't necessarily call it porn. Thanks to a recommendation from Erotic Readers and Writers Association (and thanks to one of our fabulous hosts, Lizabet Sarai, for pointing me to this group), I was able to choose from a selection of movies in their Porn with a Plot section. These claim to be more female friendly than your average 'smutty' movie. Men like visual sexual stimulation women like mental. I prefer a good erotic story to get my motor running, he's surfing the channels to find naked bodies. Vive la différence! I hope, however, to enjoy this DVD, and will post a review on my blog when we watch it. How about you? Do you enjoy erotic movies? Leave me a comment and be entered to win either an Ebook from my back list (that's everything except Out of the Ordinary), or, for US residents only, a goodie bag with homemade one-of-a-kind bookmarks and other hand-crafted items. One lucky winner will receive the grand prize of a $60 gift certificate to EdenFantasys. Two other winners will receive a $25 gift certificate to their choice of the following book sites: Amazon, All Romance eBooks, Barnes & Noble, or Total-E-Bound. Now, to add a little warmth to your cold winter, here's a steamy excerpt from my latest book, Out of the Ordinary, and for a dose of vampire love, check out Coming Together in Vein. All proceeds from this anthology will will go to support Doctors Without Borders. Enjoy the read, leave a comment, and hop over to the next author on the list. Good luck! *************** “After that incident, I packed up my magic tricks, went to college, got a degree in business management, and opened an insurance agency. Nice and mainstream. I really missed doing magic, though—it called to me. After a while, I dug out the paraphernalia, dusted it off and warmed up my hands. I entertain at charity events now and then, that’s how I get my fix. It’s almost a tease—I can feel the power, just a tickle, and sometimes I want to go further and explore, but I don’t.” He was lying. Star knew he had used his magic more than performing simple tricks. Adam was hiding something, something deep and scary, but she let it go. Everyone had their secrets. If the time came she needed to know his, she would find out. “Why did you try to levitate your girlfriend?” “So I could do something cool, like this.” Star whooped as she was suddenly airborne. In one smooth movement, Adam had stood, murmured a few words and raised Star several feet off the couch, so she hovered over it. “Now just relax and don’t thrash around,” he told her. “Keep your arms and legs straight but loose. I’m not going to drop you, I promise.” Walking to the side of her body, he gently moved her arms away from her sides, then undid the sash holding the robe and parted the fabric. He ran his hands over her body, which now floated at his waist level. “Damn, you’re beautiful. This is the perfect position to have you. I can do so many things to you like this. See? I can touch you here, and here, and even here.” Star gasped as he slid his index finger into her pussy and the third one into her ass. “Adam, stop. We should clean up. I’m pretty sweaty right now…” “So working up a little more sweat before our bath will be fine. I’m going to move you around a bit now, like this.” Keeping both fingers where they were, Adam placed his thumb on her clit and began to gently rock her in the air. Star moaned with pleasure dropped her arms to her side, and the robe fell completely away. The thought of her body exposed and on display from all angles was unnerving at first, and Star resisted the temptation to cover up. But the heat running through her as Adam continued to explore her slippery folds soon burned away all thoughts. Just like the last time they had been together, passion consumed every fibre, and she began to squirm and writhe. * * * * Buy links for Out of the Ordinary http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=&P_ID=1865 http://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventures-Star-Lite-ebook/dp/B00A9X8VYK/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1353980256&sr=8-7&keywords=naomi+bellina https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-outoftheordinary-1007797-140.html ![]() The wonderful folks at Tinkle 'n Toss found my blog post (cheers to Google alerts!), and invited me to test tinkle their product. How could I refuse? For my first test, I tried it in the shower, as suggested on the package. I got a little pee splash on my foot, since I hit the tile and not the drain for a few seconds, but that's okay, I was dirty anyway and running water was nearby. Tip number one, make sure you aim your stream at a drain, or absorbent surface like water or dirt. I'm sure boys find this out early in life. For the next test, I bravely stood at my toilet and let loose. What a great sensation, to pee standing up! Now I know why men like it so much. The device worked fine, funneling the liquid into the bowl, and not leaking at all. Then, I ran into a problem. If I disposed of it right into the toilet, I would have been fine, but I have a septic system and the package recommends not tossing the device into a well or septic system. Tip number two, have a plan to dispose of the used device. Uh-oh, another problem. I realized I had to get toilet paper. Since both hands were holding the T 'n T, I shuffled around a bit to reach the paper. Tip number three, have your TP ready. Though I ended up having to change my undies since I dribbled during the disposal process, I like the Tinkle 'n Toss, and by implementing the above tips, I believe this product will work beautifully. I see it being very useful for those with bad knees and hips, who find it difficult to squat. And who hasn't been in that weird toilet that's way too low or too high, or has no room between the porcelain and the stall door? Buy a pack, do a test run, and never fear a bathroom again. ttp://www.whateverworks.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=K2933&utm_source=shoppingcom&utm_medium=comparison&utm_campaign=datafeed&srccode=NXCKC2 http://dbroth.webstorepowered.com/TINKLE-TOSS-DISPOSABLE-STAND-DEVICE/dp/B0098KB94Y ![]() Thanks so much for participating in this hop, everyone. My winner is Jeannie P. I hope this got your year off to a good start! Have you made your New Year's resolutions? I've set a few goals for 2013, and one of my writing plans is to jump back into a deliciously naughty werewolf story I've started, which will be part of a new series. I hear it calling me, and I'm itching to get going, but before I do, I need to plot a better outline. My writing style is more of a pantser, (writing by the seat of one's pants), but when working on a series, it's soooo much easier to have a bit more direction actually written down, as I found out the hard way. I also plan to continue writing ménage in upcoming books. The series I'm finishing now, The Adventures of Star Lite, has M/F/M ménage action, and writing it stretched my imagination not only with the sex scenes, but also with the character dynamics. Star and Adam are perfect together, but need to learn to work with the addition of another man, which isn't always easy. Now for the goodies. The grand prizes for this giveaway are a $100 gift card to EdenFantasys and a digital gift basket of 10 erotica books. All comments across the blog tour are entered. For my prize, leave me a comment below, and be entered to win either an Ebook from my back list (that's everything except Out of the Ordinary), or, for US residents only, a goodie bag with home made one-of-a-kind bookmarks and other hand-crafted items. Thanks to our host, Skye Warren, for putting on this Naughty New Year blog hop. Click on another name when you're done, and happy hopping! *A hot, naughty, sneak peak excerpt at my upcoming book, Into the Magic* The woman lay panting, sweat glistening on her skin, the sun highlighting the pink streaks she’d painted in her pubic hair. He observed the slightly reddened places on her body where he’d bitten her, and he smiled. Damn, he loved pale, ivory skin. His marks showed so well. She had small breasts, but her nipples were large and formed deliciously taut, hard peaks, which now stood rigid, captured in a pair of his favourite clamps. Not too tight, just enough to apply a bit of pressure. Those peaks were what had initially caught his attention about this woman. He’d seen her at the club, wearing a dress that plunged almost to her navel. A gold chain ran from one breast to the other, with a sparkling charm dangling from the centre. Intrigued, he’d asked her about this curious piece of jewellery. She’d told him it was a set of non-piercing nipple rings and asked if he’d like to see it. He had. Now they were back at her home, those fabulous nipples his to enjoy. Since she was blindfolded, he could perform a little magic, quietly speaking a new spell he was testing. To his delight, it appeared to work. She writhed on the bed, thrusting her pelvis up. “Baby, I’m hot, really, really hot. Stick your cock in me, or your fingers, or something. Damn!” She was tied up, her wrists bound with a scarf to the bedpost. He didn’t doubt that if her hands were free, she would be touching herself right now. He stood at the side of the bed and ran his hands over her body, tugging on the nipple clamps. He folded a pillow in half and shoved it under her ass, then placed his hand on her pussy, palm covering her mons. He stroked the hair, pulling it lightly. He enjoyed watching a woman undress, to see if she kept her bush intact, or shaved it. He had no particular preference—they all looked lovely to him. Pink hair was something different—he hoped it wouldn’t rub off on his skin. As he parted her outer lips, he touched her glistening clit, ever so lightly. It stood as pointy as her nipples, pink and glistening. Running his index finger between her inner folds, he wet the digit with her juices and rubbed her clit, increasing the pressure only minimally. She whimpered her frustration. “Come on, I’m ready! Grab a condom from the table there and fuck me. What are you waiting for?” |
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February 2024