Awwwww! Look at these guys. How beautiful! I love how they are entwined around each other. Wouldn't sex be fun with a tail? It would be such a wonderful experience to enter the mind of another species for just a little while and feel what they're feeling. Maybe that's why paranormal stories are so popular.
My guest today is Lux Zakari, talking a bit about her book Finale, and giving us a few fun facts about her life.
1. Your new book, Finale, deals with some pretty serious issues. Does your main character, Olivia, get a chance to have fun? The problem with Olivia is that she spent her entire life having fun. She grew up in L.A. as the daughter of a record company exec and was a songwriter, so she got to mingle with the rich and famous and do all sorts of rich and famous things. Olivia always felt that she had to preserve her glamorous image at any cost, closing herself off to any “ridiculous” opportunities threatening that, including her secret relationship with music legend Jonathan Levant. However, now she has all this responsibility heaped upon her when Jonathan dies suddenly and leaves his children in her care sans explanation. It’s the first time in her life where she’s had to step up and be accountable for not only herself but for three other people depending on her. Needless to say, the dog days are over. There is no more fun to be had! 2. You have two full-length books out now. Have you given any thought to making either of them a series? I have been asked if Coercion will have a sequel, a thought I occasionally toy with, but currently I don’t have the inspiration on what would make the protagonists get together. All that the characters went through – that’s hard to forgive and forget. As for Finale, it would be hard to crank out a second book, considering it opens with one of the characters being quite dead! On that note, maybe I could write a sequel called Finale—With Zombies! where Jonathan Levant comes back from the dead and torments Olivia with his decaying but still undeniably hot bod and they force her psychic friend Ione de Claire to research ways to restore his humanness. GASP! I would be parodying myself! This is genius. I wish I could hug my own brain right now. And what you just witnessed was a Lux Zakari thought, rolling live without a filter. This is how most of my stories are born. 3. If Finale were made into a movie, who do you see playing Olivia, or any of the other parts? I think about this sort of thing all the time! I haven’t even finished casting Coercion: The Movie yet. I am very open to suggestions for either story though. I am also not averse to picturing Henry Cavill starring in pretty much everything I write. He is deliciousness and that is just one hundred percent fact. 4. Tell us about hula hooping! How did you come to enter the contests you almost won? The contests are not as glamorous as they might sound! One took place in high school during some senior week activities and another took place in college at a dorm’s annual barbeque. I tied both times—the first with a girl from the White Team, and then with a flipping third grader. My thing is I’m an endurance hooper. One time a disbelieving friend said he’d pay me twenty bucks if I could hula hoop non-stop for a half hour, and I was on the clock at my job at the time. It was the most awesome, most memorable twenty dollars I ever earned. These days, I use a hoop custom-made by a friend, who titled it “SVH Power Play” knowing my intense love-hate for the Sweet Valley High series. She taught me a few tricks as well; I’m no expert, but I can spin and walk while hooping with proficiency and do this cool rodeo-type move with the hoop over my head. Hooping is such great exercise; it’s so fun and effortless. Lately, I’ve been hooping while watching “Community” and “Flight of the Conchords.” 5. I read that you were waiting for your passport to arrive. Do you have it yet? Where have you been and where do you want to go? I have my passport now and got to use it this year when a friend and I jet-setted off to Puerta Vallarta for scuba diving and tequila tasting and general Mexican adventure antics. Next, we hope to go Australia and give surfing a try. We are very adventurous when we’re together! 6. Will you provide an excerpt from Finale? Of course! By 1985, Jonathan Levant was a god. No one—sans me, apparently—even likened him to his former Golden Boy days. They didn’t recognize him as such a decade later. When people learned he used to do choreographed dance routines to Beach Boys covers in flared one-piece pantsuits, their eyes bugged out of their heads and they gaped, black holes where their mouths used to be. “Him? No, it couldn’t be.” Jonathan had undergone a complete reinvention. No longer sweet and sunny, he was dark, dangerous, a bit of a freak, actually. His outfits—edgy reinventions of what was trendy in the Victorian age—were so out of date they were back in style. He popularized ridiculously tall top hats paired with spats, leather pants, black eyeliner and a codpiece. He’d become so bizarre that girls and boys alike adored him for being different, and those who scoffed were secretly fascinated by him. He’d been the scene’s most sought-after bachelor, rumored to have been about town with several high-profile movers and shakers. Then he surprised everyone by marrying Sierra, an Asian fetish model, last Halloween night. The tabloids couldn’t believe their good luck. The new couple had given every rag headlines for the next six months. It wasn’t just his new look or lifestyle causing such a stir. It was his sound. Honestly? I was more attracted to him than ever. But I’d been down that road, and no matter what he did or how he looked or what he said, I was convinced I knew the truth, the real Jonathan Levant. I vowed to not let myself forget that. # # # Buy link for Finale: [email protected] Hello! Here is a brief excerpt from my short story, Miranda's Travels at Totally-E-Bound This is the first of several steamy encounters between Miranda and Nicholas as they get to know each other. I hope you enjoy this tasty delight. Have a wonderful Sunday! "Come here, I’ll show you how to brush him," she instructed Nicholas. She handed him the brush from her saddlebag and took his hand. Sparks seemed to travel up her arm and through her body at the contact.
"I believe I know how to properly brush a horse, ma’am," Nicholas told Miranda, pulling his hand away from hers. "My horse is very particular," Miranda informed him. He likes to be brushed slowly and smoothly, like this," she instructed. Standing behind Nicholas and grabbing his hand once again, she guided it along the horse’s side. She moved in closer to him, breathing in his MIRANDA’S TRAVELS Naomi Bellina 5 scent. Her nipples hardened as she pressed herself against him. She could hear his breath catch at the close contact, and knew he must be feeling the electric currents that were running through her body. "Long, slow, calming strokes work the best," she said, guiding his hand over the horse’s rump and down his leg. "And make sure you check his hooves." Miranda bent over to pick up one of the horse’s legs, exposing an expanse of creamy white cleavage as she did so. "That is exactly the method I use," Nicholas said. "I’m sure I can do a satisfactory job without your assistance." "Well, I’m not so sure you can! This is a valuable animal and I want him cared for properly. Pay attention when I speak to you," Miranda snapped. She knew she was being cross with this handsome man, but a combination of fatigue and stress was making her short-tempered. Despite her cheeky tone, or maybe because of it, Nicholas found that he was becoming very aroused by this alluring woman, and he could swear that she also felt an attraction to him. He tried to soften his tone as he responded to her. "I swear I will do my best to take good care of your horse. Perhaps you should go to the inn and lie down for a bit." "Oh yes, that’s the answer for any trouble that a man has with a woman; send her away to rest. I don’t need rest, I need…" Miranda began. Looking into her eyes, Nicholas knew exactly what she needed. He grabbed her, and with a groan, he pulled her roughly to a hay bale. He stared into her face for a moment with eyes that had gone black with desire, then turned her around and flipped up her skirts. She willingly spread her legs wide. With a surprisingly gentle touch and smooth hand, he began to stroke her drenched pussy, bringing moans from them both. "My lady, you are very wet," he said, his breath coming hard and fast. He put a finger deep inside her. "And also very hot," he said, barely able to speak. Miranda was panting with desire and, brazenly, ready to be mounted, but he continued his slow exploration. At last he turned her around and looked her in the eye. "I do not rape unwilling women. Do you want me to go on?" Of all the luck, thought Miranda, a chivalrous stable boy when I just need a good fucking. Nonetheless, she did admire his self-control and was able to nod and gasp, "Yes, yes, go on!" Nicholas grabbed a blanket and laid it down in a private corner. He undid the laces of her shirt to expose firm breasts, the nipples hard. He slowly ran his tongue and fingers over them, bringing forth groans of desire from Miranda. Just when she was ready to beg him to enter her, he stood and removed his breeches. Miranda swallowed hard at the sight of his firm cock. She could tell it would be a perfect fit for her, and she felt a fresh gush of wetness between her legs. "Please," she begged. "I can’t stand it anymore. Take me right now." Nicholas rolled her over and once again pushed up her skirts. He slid his cock inside her, bringing moans of ecstasy from both of them. It had been too long since Miranda had had a man make love to her, and having a thick, firm cock inside her was appeasing a deep hunger. "Slow and smooth, is that the way you like it?" Nicholas asked, throwing Miranda’s words back at her, and moving very slowly and very smoothly. While she marvelled at his self-control, at this moment, she wanted it fast and hard. "Stop teasing me, you ignorant stable boy, "she panted. "I know how you lower-class men treat your women. Ride me harder!" Be sure to visit the Sunday Snog at While doing research for a story, I recently had to investigate…worms! Blech! Right up there with snakes, worms are one of my least favorite animals. And I love animals. Worms are just creepy. I can't give out too much information about the role they play in my story, because that would ruin it, but let me just say that this was not one of my preferred subjects to study. Oh, and then I visited a favorite website, stock.xchng, and looked at photos of worms for this post. The things I do for my stories! I was not going to go digging in my yard to unearth a worm, so I was very grateful to find this cute picture. Yes, the little critter is cute in context here, as a bookworm. But I was reminded how wonderful this website is, You can use the images for free, with certain restrictions. Photographers from around the world post here, just make sure to thank and credit them. Okay, back to bookworm mode for me!
Ahh, there's nothing like a nice clean room. Why do I let my bedroom get so messy? Its' a special room where I do two of my favorite things. I love to sleep, and you know what the other one is! I vow to keep it more orderly in the future. And here is my latest addition to the decor, a female torso that I painted in a fun workshop. I was told we were going to be painting male torsos, but when I saw this one, it appealed to me. I love male bodies, don't get me wrong, but there's just something about the female figure, with it's curves and valleys, it's just beautiful. So here is my finished torso, hanging on the bedroom wall. Why is my hand in the picture? I'm pretty sure this is going to be up for sale on Craigslist soon, maybe as a Halloween item, and I want the picture to show the proportions. It just doesn't seem erotic to me, as was the intent, and my honey does not find it particularly romantic either. You never know how something will actually look in a spot, which is why I make a lot of trips to return items when I'm decorating. Anyone need a torso?
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February 2024