This year is a leap year, giving us an extra day in February. If you're cold, frozen, and tired of the dark, you're probably not real happy about this. However, if you want to ask your lover to marry you, ladies, February 29th is the day. I've written a short poem about this special event:
I Leap, I Soar By Naomi Bellina He lights my fire, he fans my flame of desire I want him I want to feel his hands on my face To lick his skin To taste his sweat. To dig my heels into his ass To hear him moan. To peel the layers To find the deep love. I want to keep him forever Mine, all mine. To read the rest and enter my contest, visit Maria-Claire Payne for her Friday Night Lites column. The challenge was to keep it short, 169 words. Sometimes a quickie is fun!
![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars I love mysteries, and I love short stories, so this was perfect. Some classic authors and some new to me. My favorite story by far is by one of my absolute favorite writers, Sara Paretsky. Heartbreak House is about a romance writer...and that's all I'm going to say. It's witty, fast-paced, and a must-read for romance authors with a sense of humor. View all my reviews My Space Coast Authors of Romance group was privileged to have Laura Barth, Harlequin Editor and Helen Breitwieser of Cornerstone Literary Agency as guest speakers for our February Super Saturday. I learned many things from these women, and it was nice to see the submission and selection process from their side, as well as to consider the reasons for using an agent. We were also given the opportunity to pitch to either person, which was a first for me. Here is a picture of Ms. Barth with two Harlequin books. Thanks to both women for an informative day.
I'm not a big purse girl. I don't own a closet full of handbags, don't switch them out to match my outfit, don't get excited about sales at Macy's. I only use one, and it has to be practical and go with everything. To me, it's not a fashion accessory, it's a tool, something I use every day and don't think much about.
Walking past a store window one evening months ago, I admired a group of purses by one of my favorite artists, Laurel Burch. My honey, bless his forgetful little brain, remembered! He actually found the store again and bought me one for Valentine's Day. He specifically chose this style because he liked the way the ears stuck out. Awwwww! Brownie points for honey this year. Interesting article about Amazon. ![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars I loved how this book jumped right into the story and the action. The tale was nicely told, easy to follow. The author did her research, so the 'spell' scenes were believable. The sex scenes were hot, a little too long and detailed for my taste, but that's just me. An enjoyable book! View all my reviews It's been awhile, so I think a Sunday Snog is in order. Enjoy this smooching scene from Seducing the Stone, and visit Victoria Blisse and other wonderful authors to read their kissing tales. Keep warm today, and give your honey a big hug and kiss!
***************************************************************************************** "Here we are, safe and sound," Raya said. She gave him an impish smile and squeezed his hands. He reluctantly let hers go. Max felt a gentle current of energy running through her strong, warm hands. At the display case, Raya lifted the glass dome, and Max placed the replica stone inside. Then they both stepped back to admire the gem. Even if it wasn’t the real thing, the jewel was certainly beautiful. "Though I’m still pretty sure this is just a dream, I’m glad the sapphire is back in its place," Max said. "Why do you humans keep these powerful stones locked away under glass?" Raya asked. "What else would we do with them?" Raya smiled. "I'll tell you one day, when we have more time." "And when will that day be? I don't believe I'll ever see you again," Max said, and giving in to an overwhelming urge, he stepped close to Raya, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her. Raya did not respond, and Max was about to stop and apologize. But then she put her hands on his waist, pulled him even closer, and returned his kiss. Max slid his hands down her body and wrapped his arms around her. Certain she would push him away any moment and glad when she didn't, Max lost track of time. Part of his brain yelled stop, while another part begged for more, more of this sweet creature in his arms. He longed to rub her scent, sweet and spicy, all over his body. Finally, Raya pulled away with a gasp. "I'm sorry—" Max began, but she put a finger on his lips. "Don't be sorry. That was beautiful. I enjoyed kissing you. But we can't, we shouldn't—" She grabbed Max and locked her lips on his again, almost bruising his mouth with the intensity. He let his hands roam freely over her body, caressing her breasts, rubbing his thumbs against the hard nipples, and eliciting moans of pleasure from her. His cock strained against his jeans, begging for release. This time, he pulled away from her. "Can we continue this at my place? I want, I need more of you. Just a little." He begged as she shook her head. "I promise, we'll only go as far as you want. You can leave anytime." "No, I've already stayed longer than I should. I have to go now." Max took a deep breath and let go of Raya. "This is a dream anyway. I'm going to wake up in my bed very soon." And not smelling of sweetness and spice, he thought. Raya again stepped close to Max and leaned her head toward his. A shiver went down his spine as her breath tickled his ear. He felt her tongue lick his earlobe, followed by a slight burning sensation. "This is not a dream, and now you have a fairy kiss to prove it. I'd like to stay with you, but it’s time for me to go," Raya said, and with a sad smile, she floated off the ground. ******************************************************************************************* Thanks to everyone who participated in the blog hops. It was fun reading the comments, and I appreciate you taking the time to share.
Here are my winners: Karen H., Liz C., Veronica D. Thanks again, and I look forward to the next round! Did you know cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States; one in every three deaths is from heart disease and stroke, equal to 2,200 deaths per day. This information comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Well, that's certainly not romantic! What is romantic, however, is being in good health so I can feel my best and have fun with my honey. This Valentine's Day, I'm giving myself a gift. I got up a little earlier than usual and took a walk. I plan to do this every day. This might not sound like a big deal, but I love to sleep in, and talking myself into getting up to walk is not easy. But I'm going to do it! I want to keep my ticker ticking for a long time, so I can enjoy life, love, and the pursuit of...whatever strikes my fancy. Valentine's Day is almost here, and one of the most popular gifts men give women is jewelry. Sure, many women purchase trinkets for their guys, and plenty of men buy for other men, but a flip through television commercials and a walk through the mall will show most marketing is geared towards the male procuring the perfect gift for his female.
Poor men! So many don't have a clue what their ladies want. They're at the mercy of the salesperson, who really doesn't have a clue either and just wants to sell whatever will bring them the best commission. Our valiant heroes bravely make a selection, take their offering to their loved one, and hope it's joyfully accepted. Now, who hasn't received a horrendous piece of crap nestled inside a pretty, promising box? Something that made your eyes roll back in your head and your palms start to sweat. Read the entire post at Dawn's Reading Nook. Thank you, Dawn Roberto, for having me as your guest. |
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February 2024