![]() Beverly Ovalle answered a few questions for me and shared her taste in romantic music. HINT: It's not jazz or classical. :-) Touched by the Sandman sounds like a delicious book to read right before bed. Check out the excerpt below and be sure to enter the Rafflecopter for a fabulous prize. Since it's summer, let's get in a vacation mood. Ready, Beverly? *she nods* 1. Mountains or ocean? Ocean 2. Spa visit or shopping? Shopping 3. Kayak on river or hike on a trail? Hike on a trail 4. Cruise or ski trip? Ski Trip 5. See a play or go dancing? Dancing Now let's have even more fun back at the hotel room after the day's events are over. 6. Long satin gown or short baby doll? Short Baby Doll 7. Jazz or classical music? Ewww. Rockabilly 8. Candlelight or darkness? Darkness 9. On top or bottom? Either! 10. Do you bring the toys or does he? He does BOOK INFORMATION Title – Touched by the Sandman Author – Beverly Ovalle Genre – Erotic Paranormal Publication Date – March 20, 2014 Length (Pages/# Words) – 34 Publisher – Boroughs Publishing Group Cover Artist – Boroughs Publishing Group SYNOPSIS A lonely woman's torrid sexual dreams and fantasy partner await her as a dominant reality in another dimension~ The sandman visits those that need him, assisting them to sleep. Until one night he meets a woman that he cannot help but return to time after time. She is lonely. He comes to her as she drifts off to sleep, the man of her dreams. Awake or asleep, which is her reality? He knows she is the one meant for him. He will find a way to make both of their dreams come true. EXCERPT The darkness blurred and shimmered, bringing to life a man of moonlight and darkness: Aryne. Before him Aryne could see her, lying in bed, tears of loneliness staining her pillow. She made his heart ache. He softly stepped to her side. His hand touched her face and gently pushed back her hair. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, turning her dreams from sadness to joy. Her body arched toward his touch as the skim of his hand, the heat of his skin traced the edges of her curves. He stepped back…and then within the shimmer of dreams disappeared. Night after night her loneliness cried to him. Unable to resist, he came to her. Subtly he inserted himself into her dreams, into her arms. Aryne knew it was wrong. As a guide, his job was to bring sweet, peaceful dreams. But no one affected him like she had. He was unable to resist comforting her, drawing her into his arms, covering her body with his…but only in her dreams. There Aryne stole the passion from her lips, igniting an ache in his body that would not go away. Touching her shattered him. He knew instinctively that her touch would be his downfall. Her touch could keep him here in this splinter of his world, isolated as all of the Outcasts were. Generations had gone by; those exiled had died long ago, their children mixing amongst the races of the universe. He had tried to stay away, fearing this. He was adrift, swept away, drowning in her passion, breaths away from losing himself. Giving in, acknowledging the power she unknowingly had over him would condemn him, keep him here if she was unable to travel to his world. Very few could navigate between worlds. And this world would drain his power rather than enhance it. Even the short time he spent there took its toll on him, the drain only in abeyance when he was in her arms. Try as he might, he could not resist her siren call. Only by controlling her and the passion between them could he make sure that he would not become lost. Lost in her. Trapped forever in her world. He had done his best, gentling her to his hand, to his control. She knew the unspoken rules, knew the consequences. He played them out in her dreams, a dark symphony of passion and restraint. Perhaps unforgivable for a guide, but he could not resist. And just her body was no longer enough. Eventually he would capture her heart and soul. A man of shadows, it would be during the midnight hours of her slumber. ![]() BUY LINKS Amazon Kindle Link – http://goo.gl/A0AcMS Amazon UK Link – http://www.amazon.co.uk/Touched-Sandman-Beverly-Ovalle-ebook/dp/B00J5NRIIK/ Barnes & Nobles Nook Link – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/touched-by-the-sandman-beverly-ovalle/1118958221?ean=2940045782098 Smashwords Link – http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/421350 Goodreads Link – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21463347-touched-by-the-sandman AllRomance Link – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-touchedbythesandman-1459218-149.html Publisher’s Link - http://www.boroughspublishinggroup.com/books/touched-sandman BIO Beverly Ovalle lives in Wisconsin with her husband Edmond of 24 years and two Chinese Water Dragons. Having her own Dragons is expected as she is dragon crazy and anyone that walks in her house can tell. Her son Nicholas visits when he is on leave from the Marines. Her daughter Susannah visits from time to time to make sure us ‘old’ folks are alive and kicking. Beverly has traveled around the world thanks to five years in the US Navy and has worked for the government in one capacity or another for the past 30 years. Beverly and her brothers have travelled most of the continental United States as children due to the station wagon from Hell. Still active with veterans, she is adjutant for her local AMVETS. Beverly has been reading romances since her Aunt introduced her to the gothic romance in the fourth grade and is still reading every chance she gets. Amazon Author Page – http://www.amazon.com/Beverly-Ovalle/e/B00BOGT8MU/ Website/Blog – http://ovalleba.wix.com/beverly-ovalle# Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/BeverlyOvalleAuthor Twitter – https://twitter.com/SSLYblog Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+BeverlyOvalle0211/ Pinterest – http://pinterest.com/ovalleba/ Tumblr – http://ovalleba.tumblr.com/ Blog – http://SSLYblog.wordpress.com Yahoo – http://about.me/beverly.ovalle Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6982787.Beverly_Ovalle LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/BeverlyOvalle Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SslySmileSomebodyLovesYou
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![]() Yes, thank you, I will have a little beer. In fact, I'll have six little beers. A local brewery in my town has the best thing for a hot summer night, a sampler of all their flavors. For a woman who can't make up her mind when presented with too many options (moi), this is perfect. I got to try them all and didn't have to make a commitment to one, then second guess if I'd made the right decision. Sounds like the theme for a romance novel, doesn't it? If there's a small brewery near you, support them and give craft beers a try. Even if you have a favorite regular brand, you never know what you might like. This week is another short post because the past weekend we celebrated my honey's birthday and he loves to run around like a crazy person and drag me with him. I go, we have fun, but my work doesn't get done! Oh well, life is short, we have to grab the happy times when we can. Have you ever seen a cooler author picture? That's what first caught my attention about Rayne Hall. Then I took one of her courses and read a book she wrote and I was even more impressed. Join me as I welcome her to my blog today, and learn a little about writing love spells. ![]() WRITING ABOUT LOVE SPELLS by Rayne Hall Love spells make great fiction, full of secrets, conflict, drama and passion. Your character can cast her own love spell, or she can seek professional help from a magician (from a witch, a ritual wizard, or other type of mage). RITUALS The most common ingredients used in the ritual are roses (often red or pink), something from each of the two people (usually a lock of hair, and in modern times, a photograph), red candles, a fruit (for example, an apple), a crystal (rose quartz is a favourite), herbs (such as dittany or balm of gilead), spices (especially cinnamon), red wine, and a ribbon (red or pink). However, the ingredients vary between different types of magic. For example, an Enochian may use different ingredients from a Wiccan. Also, individual magicians have their own preferences. The actual ritual also differs. Typically, the magician may cut the fruit in halves, insert the locks of hair, and tie the fruit back together with the pink ribbon. Or she may brew a love potion which involves red wine simmering in a cauldron with rose petals, herbs and cinnamon. If both people are present, the magician may link their hands and tie them with a ribbon or scarf. If only one person is present, the spell won't be complete until the second person has become involved, for example, by drinking the love potion. CLIENTS Most clients are besotted with someone who doesn't requite their feelings. They are convinced that this person is the one for them, that they're meant to be together, that they will not be fulfilled and happy until that person is theirs. They also believe that the love spell is in the best interest of that person, and that the relationship will be a happy one if only the person would return their love. They are desperate, can't bear the pain of their unrequited passion any longer, and are willing to pay almost any price for a love spell. Other clients are lonely and looking for love. They want a spell to help them find a mate. These include teenagers whose self-esteem is low because they don't have a boyfriend, single women whose biological clock is ticking, and men who can't get a date. On rare occasions, a couple may seek a magician's help to save their crumbling marriage. In historical fiction, parents and politicians may resort to love spells to bring about an advantageous match, or to bring affection to an arranged marriage. CONFLICTS Most modern magicians consider it unethical to interfere with a person's free will. Although they will happily help the couple who wish to strengthen their bond, and the lonely heart in search of a mate, they will refuse to force a specific person's feelings. However, not all magicians have the same qualms, and in earlier period, many made good money from love potions. Even today, many magicians advertise on the internet, promising to deliver one's heart's desire. Some magicians compromise by creating spells which work only if there is already some affection between the couple. For example, the desired person must drink wine from the same cup as the client, immediately after he has drunk from it - something she wouldn't do if she hated him. An ancient Egyptian love spell required the man to anoint his member with a potion before having intercourse with the woman of his desire - and for that to work, she already had to fancy him quite bit. Other magicians try to dissuade the client from focussing on a specific person. Instead, they recommend a general love spell, one which will help the client find a suitable mate. For the strictly ethical magician, requests for love spells can lead to terrible dilemmas. Here are some ideas you may want to play with: * What if the client is suffering terrible pain from unrequited love, and the magician wants to ease his suffering? What if the desperate client is her own sister, her best friend, her son? What if turning down the request for a love spell causes a rift between them? * What if if the client won't take no for an answer? What if the client is the king, the chief inquisitor, or other powerful person? What if the client threatens to punish the magician for her refusal? * What if the client is rich and willing to pay a lot for a love spell? What if the magician desperately needs money to save her lover or to feed her starving child? * What if a ruthless magician agrees to waive his principles and grant the heroine the love spell she craves ... but only if she pays a terrible price for it? * What if the magician herself suffers from unrequited love? What if her ethics forbid her to manipulate someone's will, but she is convinced that it is for that person's own good? What if her need overrides her conscience? CONSEQUENCES Love spells interfering with someone's free will can lead to disaster. Here are some plot ideas: * What if the love spell works at first, but wears off after the wedding? What if the person finds out that their spouse had trapped them with a love spell? * What if the two people love each other, but their relationship is desperately unhappy - and they can't get out of it? What if they blame the magician for their misery? * What if the client loses interest and wants to end the relationship - but the other person is still obsessively in love and won't let them go? What if that person stalks the client for the rest of his life? * What if the client regrets his action, and wants to undo the love spell - and it can't be reversed? * What if a pedophile uses love potions to seduce minors? What if a serial killer applies magic to lure victims to their doom? * What if a fortune hunter tries to trick an heiress into drinking the love potion? What if she's been alerted to his intentions, and has to be constantly vigilant to thwart him? * What if the family hires a bodyguard or detective to protect their heiress daughter from love spell assaults? * What if the victim's family find out that the girl has been the victim of a love spell, and try to save her? What if they make great sacrifices to enable the spell to be undone - but she doesn't want to be saved? * What if the heroine discovers that her best friend's intended is a ruthless man who forced her feelings with a love potion - and the friend refuses to believe it? What if the victim of the love spell is a man whom the heroine has secretly loved all her life, and now another woman has ensnared him with magic? The fiction potential of love spells is endless. I hope this article has inspired your creativity Rayne Hall has published more than fifty books in several languages under several pen names with several publishers in several genres, mostly fantasy, horror and non-fiction. She is the author of the bestselling Writer's Craft series and editor of the Ten Tales anthologies. Having lived in Germany, China, Mongolia and Nepal, she has now settled in a small dilapidated town of former Victorian grandeur on the south coast of England where she enjoys reading, gardening and long walks along the seashore. She shares her home with a black cat adopted from the cat sanctuary. His name is Sulu and he's the perfect cat for a writer – except when he claims ownership of her keyboard. You can follow here on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RayneHallAuthor and Twitter http://twitter.com/RayneHall where she posts advice for writers, funny cartoons and cute pictures of her cat. ![]() Motorcycle + rainstorm = OMG, sooo wet! And not just the fun parts of my body. I had water everywhere. In my underwear, soaking my bra, even in my boots. I didn't think it was possible to be this drenched. Don't I look overjoyed? I'm not, really, but the honey and I had places to go and couldn't let a little rain stop us. Want a fun, cheap activity to do this summer? Go to a minor league baseball game. That's where we eventually ended up at the end of the Motorcycle Ride from Hell. (Okay, it was actually kind of exhilarating, but don't tell my honey I said that or he'll drive through a thunderstorm again.) Let me first say I really don't like sports for a number of reasons, overpaid players being one of them. I'm pretty sure, though, most guys in the minor leagues are not paid too much and have a fairly tough job. Many of them have foreign names so I assume they are away from their homes and family, trying to figure out our crazy customs here in the USA. I love some of our odd rituals, including mascots at sporting events. Watching them, the children, the people, that's why I go to minor league games. And the beer. This is a short post this week because I had too much fun playing over the holiday weekend and now have to catch up. But yes, it was totally worth it!
![]() This movie is an interesting balance of the action/adventure that I love with a touch of off-the-wall humor and a dash of mushy family love. Our hero, Ethan Renner, is delightfully played by Kevin Costner. He's not a real favorite actor of mine but maybe he just had to mature a bit for me to appreciate his acting style. Anywho, Renner finds out he's dying and wants to spend his remaining days with the family he's neglected most of his life. While trying to enjoy some quality time with his daughter, his violent work life butts in. Read the whole synopsis, if you'd like, right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Days_to_Kill My favorite scenes, Kevin Costner riding his bicycle with no hands past the Eiffel Tower, eating pot stickers in front of the Eiffel Tower, torturing a guy in the shower while the principal calls about his daughter (don't worry, very little torture really goes on because movies go off in my house when that starts. I don't do torture.) and while questioning another guy who's tied to the toilet, makes him give his daughter a recipe for spaghetti. I know, it sounds pretty bizarre and corny but oddly enough, it works in this film. His relationship with his wife (I was never sure if they were still married or had divorced) was also done well, just enough love balanced with the aggravation and not overly angst-y. A lot of the sweetness of this movie hit home for me, not because my dad was a hit man, but because many of us want a different relationship with our fathers than the one we had. The lesson here, as long as he's still alive, it's never too late. |
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