![]() Lots of words, that's what happens. On the fourteenth of January I set a goal to write thirty thousand words in a month. This was really, truly a bad time of year to take on this challenge. My taxes are due, it's busy at work and I'm still recovering from the holidaze. So why did I put myself through this torture? I want another book published this year. I've got one coming out soon, one almost under contract *crosses fingers and toes* but that's it. If I want more, I have to get writing. Fast. I was spoiled last year writing a series. Things at my publisher moved along quickly and the books were put out close to each other. Come 2014, however, I don't have much cookin'. So, I decided to see if I could do it. Really push myself and get a book written in a short time. Yes! I did! In one month I wrote 39,266 words. This is while working, promoting my upcoming book, doing aforementioned taxes, keeping the house from becoming too incredibly dirty and cooking four meals a week. (I like to eat out, but it's not the healthiest or most economical option.) The result of this marathon is: 1. My house is messier than I'm comfortable with (not filthy dirty, just piles of crapola that need to be put away) and I'm comfortable with a lot of clutter so yeah, it's scary. 2. I didn't watch a lot of television (Good thing) 3. I didn't get to spend that much time on Facebook, which is kind of good, kind of bad. I miss my FB habit but realize I can cut back. 4. I skipped my once a month pancake brunch with a girlfriend and my wine down a little outing with another. 5. Cuddle time in bed got cut, which goes along with less television. The cat and the honey get cranky when they don't get petted enough. 6. The real biggie, I didn't exercise nearly enough. I can sure feel that! I'm sore, stiff, and have a few extra pounds that need to disappear. Like now. 7. My goal to make at least two green drinks a week fell by the wayside. I got an easy-to-operate Vitamix just for this very reason and it sits unused and neglected. So, was it worth all these sacrifices to crank out that many words? No. I enjoy everything on that list (except actually cleaning but I do like my house tidy) and I'm not prepared to give up those pleasures. I also like to write and want to have books published, but I need to find a balance. Writing is important. Living is important too.
![]() Sabrina York, Her Royal Hotness, was so popular last week I had to have her again. In the 'guest having' sense, that is. Enjoy her post! In my latest release, Dark Duke, Edward, the Duke of Moncrieff, has some wicked pursuits, not the least of which is writing naughty novels under the pseudonym, Lord Hedon. He had been known to use these novels and their lurid illustrations to seduce a society chit. Or two. The book he offers Kaitlin—a seemingly innocent lass he plans to debauch—is the tale of Asha, a harem slave. The book provides an accounting of her training and subsequent passions in the Harem of an Arabian sheik. Can I tell you how much fun it was to research that pseudo-book? It truly inspired me to one day write Asha’s story! I wasn’t surprised to discover in the rest of my research that erotic literature has been around for centuries, some of the better known examples being erotic poems from ancient Greece and Rome. Though it wasn’t until the invention of printing in the 15th century that erotic literature because more available. And I hesitate to say widely available, because it wasn’t. It was still damned expensive to own a book, a true luxury. Aside from which, very few could read. Hence, the pictures. Such works gained in popularity as they became more available though they were, of course, deemed obscene by polite society. That lead me to ask myself—although, to be honest, I would have ignored the answer if I hadn’t liked it--would a lord of the realm stoop to writing naughty books? Even if he really really enjoyed it? In the Regency period, when the Dark Duke is set, the mores were far looser than during the rigid Victorian period. But would a man, with money and power—the equivalent of a rock star in his time—risk losing all and become a pariah to the society that held him above all others…just because he liked writing dirty books? And then I discovered John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, who amongst many other boring things, was known for penning naughty verses. Now, the good Earl lived long before my Edward. But I like to think that perhaps, the Dark Duke of Moncrieff took a page from his book…as it were, in creating his sexy stories for an avid readership. I would hate to think Edward wrote only as an avenue to seduce curious misses. Wouldn’t you? Dark Duke Sabrina York Noble Passions, Book Three Edward Wyeth, the Dark Duke of Moncrieff’s life has been turned on its end. His well-ordered home has been invaded. By destitute relatives. From Scotland. How on earth can he write Lord Hedon’s salacious novels with hellions battling in the garden and starting fires in the library? But with the onslaught has come a delicious diversion. His cousin’s companion, the surprisingly intriguing Kaitlin MacAllister. He is determined to seduce her. Using her desperate need for funds and her talents as an artist, he convinces her to draw naughty pictures for his naughtier books…and he draws her into his decadent web. But Kaitlin has a secret. She’s fled Scotland—and a very determined betrothed. When Edward’s cousin is kidnapped and held in her stead, Kaitlin is honor bound to return to her homeland and rescue her—much to Edward’s chagrin. Because suddenly he can’t bear the thought of Kaitlin marrying another man. He can’t bear the thought of losing her at all. A Romantica® Regency historical erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave GET IT NOW By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please exit this site. An Excerpt From: DARK DUKE Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2014 All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. Edward skirted the mêlée in the garden and made his way to the far end of the estate, where there was nothing but flowers and trees and a placid little pond. Nothing to attract diminutive fiends bent on mischief. He would sit in the folly until his temperature returned to normal. Perhaps until spring. Dear God. He’d had no idea having the Wyeths of Perth take over his house would be such a nightmare. If he had suspected as much, he would have turned them away at the start. They would probably have crawled in under the door. Through the cracks in the flue. Vermin had a way of finding entrance. But now. Now they were here. Entrenched. He had to get rid of them. Perhaps he could send them back to Scotland. Scotland would revile him for it, but he had little use for rocky tors, lochs and sheep. Then he thought of Violet and his heart lurched. It would crush her to be trundled back to what she referred to as “the bleak wilderness.” She was looking forward to a glittering season in London. She was seventeen. She needed a husband. A husband of quality. That might be difficult to find in the wilds of Scotland. And Ned. Ned was twenty. He was just starting to find his way with the ton. He’d made some friends—decent fellows. He’d even been receiving invitations to game at White’s. The two of them—the normal two—deserved better than being lumped in with the rest. He whacked at a rosebud as he passed. It exploded into a flutter of petals. He refused to feel any sympathy. He couldn’t send them packing. Then what? Hell. He was a duke of the realm. He had six houses spread throughout the empire. Why hadn’t he thought to purchase a spare in London? Aha! That was brilliant. He would. He’d buy them their own house. Move them all, lock stock and—well, maybe not the barrels, as the older boys did like to drink. He’d move them all into their own domicile. With Aunt Hortense. Let her manage them. His life would once again be orderly. He would be the master of his own abode. Free to pursue the life of a wealthy dilettante. Perfect. He rounded the bend with a satisfied smile on his face. The trickle of the fountain in the pond was a balm to his tormented soul. Birds sang in the trees. The sun—well, it almost shone. It was a beautiful day. Soon, the world would be right again. Soon, they would all be gone. He skipped up the steps of the folly with a lightness of heart he hadn’t felt in ages. A book on the bench snagged his attention and his mood dipped, but only a bit. Someone had been here. But they were gone. He picked it up and flipped through it and stilled. Good God. It was a sketch book. The first page was an attempt at this scene. The flowers and trees, the pond and the little fountain. Not very good. But the second arrested his attention. It was a simple line drawing of Violet. And it was stunning. The artist had managed to depict her beauty, but also captured that glint in her eye, the particular quirk of her lips. Her soul. The next sketch was one of Ned, showing a brash young man, standing insouciantly with his hands shoved into his pockets, whistling a silent tune. The next was of the twins—whatever their names were—dark heads together plotting some manner of mayhem. It was so realistic Edward expected them to leap from the page and whack him with a cricket bat. But it was the last sketch in the book that stole his breath. It was a portrait, in profile. His own face. But not an Edward he would ever recognize. This man was heroic, tragic, a solitary soldier. It was only a few lines drawn in charcoal, but it revealed so much about him. Things he didn’t want anyone to ever know. It was horrifying. And remarkable. “Your Grace.” He snapped the book shut and spun around. Of course. What’s her name. The girl. The owl. From last night. “Oh, you found it.” She stepped into the folly and took the book from his hands. He did not know why he let it go. “You left it here.” An accusation. Really? He hadn’t intended for it to come out like that. She chuckled. “I had to go rescue Hamish. I was coming back.” “What…why did you have to rescue Hamish?” This was her work? She saw him like that? And hell, she was a damn fine hand. How he would love to turn such talent to…darker purposes. What a pity she was such a prude. The kind of work he could offer her would make her rich—rich enough to quit serving as Violet’s companion. But she would never do it. No decent woman would. He must be crazed, truly crazed, to even think on it. The gripping sketch of his wounded countenance lingered in his brain. If she could do that, if she could see through to his soul and bring it to life on paper-- “And then he got stuck. In the tree. So I had to rescue him.” Lord. She’d been talking. He’d missed the entire explanation. No matter. The question had been purely rhetorical. “How long have you been drawing?” She winced, clutched the book to her breast. He recalled what fine breasts they were. “I… What?” “How long have you been drawing? You’re quite good.” “You looked at my book?” She squawked as though he’d just admitted to peering up her skirts. The lemony face returned. A beetled brow and pursed lips. It was, upon reflection, rather adorable. “It was lying here.” “You shouldn’t look at someone’s sketchbook.” “You shouldn’t leave it where it can be found.” He crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at her. Damn, he loved her accent. She sputtered. “I told you. Hamish and Tay—” “Tay?” “Taylor. Hamish and Taylor were building a fort in a tree—” “Yes. Yes. I know. You had to rescue him. Tell me, have they always been this much trouble?” She blew out a breath. “You have no idea.” They both laughed. It was a nice moment, because it seemed, for that brief flash of time, they were friends, bound in mutual misery. And then he went and ruined it by letting his lust intrude. “So tell me, what did you think of that book?” She tipped her head. “What book?” “The one I gave you last night.” She blinked several times, as though she had to try very hard to remember. “Oh. That book. I didn’t read it.” He stepped closer. “Ah. You like to look at the pictures, then?” He knew the sort. “Look at the… What? No, your Grace—” “Edward.” He infused his voice with a low thrum. “Your Grace. I didn’t have a chance to open it.” Why petulance curled within him, he had no clue. “What do you mean you didn’t have a chance to open it?” She was supposed to have read it. Or at least looked at the pictures. She was supposed to be gazing at him, right now, with a dewy look. She brushed an invisible speck from her skirt. “There was…a distraction.” Well hell. “What kind of distraction?” Her lips pursed. The look she shot him was not dewy in the slightest. Still, he wanted to kiss her. He wasn’t sure why. She was certainly not the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But her face had character and charm—especially when she smiled. Her figure was full—the way he liked them—but she didn’t show it off to its best effect. In fact, if he hadn’t known what lay beneath the thick layers of crinoline and bombazine, he would have been fooled. She was prickly as a hedgehog and smacked him down at every turn. So why did he want to pull her into his arms and smother her mouth with his? Perhaps because of all those things. Then again, perhaps just because. So he did. He took the girl—whose name he could not remember, whose face he could not forget—into his arms and kissed her. It was a gentle buss, as kisses went, but extremely sublime. Because he’d surprised her. Her lips were open, as though poised to speak. He took full advantage, sweeping in his tongue to dab at hers, nibbling and licking and tasting her sweet breath. The prick at his side was not a surprise. He’d expected it. He lifted his head and stared down into her eyes. Her expression was dazed and determined and perhaps a little dewy. “Not this time, darling,” he murmured. He took the knife from her hand and tossed it aside and then pulled her more fully against him. And ah. She was soft. Sweet. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Her hips molded the cradle of his groin. Of course, he was the one doing the molding, but she didn’t fight him. No. She sighed and tipped her head to the side so he could deepen the kiss. She tasted like ambrosia. A tantalizing flavor of cinnamon and woman and surrender. His ardor rose, and with it, his cock. He rubbed it against her belly. She stiffened and tried to push away, muttering something into his mouth that sounded like “No.” He changed his tack, running his lips down her cheek and along the line of her jaw to nestle in the crook of her neck. She shuddered. Some groan-like sound emanated from her throat. She clutched at his hair. Thusly encouraged, he sucked at the tender skin of her neck. Nipped. “Oh! Saints preserve us,” she whispered. “The saints don’t care,” he responded, switching to the other side of her neck. He found a spot that delighted her even more and feasted there. In her distraction, she didn’t stop the palm skimming over her ribs to cup a breast. He encased her. Ah. Exquisite. Full and round and pliable. He thumbed a nipple, testing its rigidity. She dipped as her knees gave way. He caught her. Swung her up in his arms and carried her to the bench. From long experience, he knew better than to give a woman a moment to think. So as soon as he had her settled across his lap and firmly braced against the wall of the folly, he kissed her again. With one hand, he stroked her nipples while with the other, he slowly drew up her skirts. About Sabrina York Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York is the award winning author of over 20 hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to scorching BDSM. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at www.sabrinayork.com to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Free Teaser Book: http://sabrinayork.com/home-2/sabrina-yorks-teaser-book/ And don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara! CURRENT PROMOS Free Teaser Book: http://sabrinayork.com/home-2/sabrina-yorks-teaser-book/ Newsletter & contest: http://sabrinayork.com/sabrinas-contest-and-newsletter/ Enter to win a signed print copy of scorching Regency romance, Dark Fancy on Goodreads! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17409083-dark-fancy FOLLOW SABRINA Like my Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaYorkBooks Follow me on Twitter @sabrina_york Follow me on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5817917.Sabrina_York Check out my Pintrest boards: http://www.pinterest.com/sabrinayork/boards/ Like my Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Sabrina-York/e/B00856PDEO/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1382929432&sr=8-2-ent Check out my Barnes & Noble Author page: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/sabrina-york Follow me on Ellora’s Cave: https://www.ellorascave.com/index.php/authors/index/author/slug/sabrina-york/ Books by Sabrina York Adam’s Obsession (Wired Series 1; Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Dark Duke (Noble Passions Series 3; Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon Brigand (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon Dark Fancy (Noble Passions Series 2; Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) Devlin’s Dare: A Tryst island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Dragonfly Kisses: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Extreme Couponing (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Fierce (One Night Stand, Decadence Press) Five Alarm Fire (Erotic Contemporary for the High Octane Heroes Anthology, Cleis Press) Folly (Noble Passions Series 1; Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) Heart of Ash: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Lust Eternal (Erotic Fantasy, Ellora’s Cave) Pushing Her Buttons (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Making Over Maris (Wired Series 3; Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming November 6th Man Hungry (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Rebound: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary, Available on Amazon) Rebound is now available on Smashwords Rising Green (Erotic Horror, Ellora’s Cave) Saving Charlotte (Erotic Contemporary for the Smokin' Hot Firemen Anthology, Cleis Press) Smoking Holt: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Training Tess (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Trickery (Erotic Contemporary with Magical Elements, Ellora’s Cave Hex Line) Tristan’s Temptation (Wired Series 2; Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) ![]() This is not really a romantic movie, but it's great for date night because you'll both be laughing your butts off and then want to hug and kiss. That's what I do, anyway, after I have good laugh. Something about the serotonin in the brain and all those feel-good hormones reacting on a sexual level...but I digress. Back to the movie. I almost didn't get this because the whole premise looked creepy. A stripper, a drug dealer, a geeky boy and a smart-mouth girl form a temporary family to smuggle drugs from Mexico. It sounded to me like the comedy would be lame, the laughs would be too forced. Nope. The jokes were subtle and smart and the humor was paced just right. The characters were bad, but not that bad. All the players had major flaws but of course, they also had many redeemable qualities. When the going got tough, the group banded together and helped each other. As for romance, there are several odd pairings that occur, including a case of mistaken lust in a tent. Funny and cute with a satisfying ending. I would love to see a Millers 2. Check it out on Netflix. http://nflx.it/M8eydE ![]() Guys, (and gals) when your woman shoots you down for a night of passion, sometimes, it's not you. It's us. Really. Many nights we feel fat, crabby, bloated, ugly, flabby, stinky, everything except horny. Sometimes, we even feel like we should use a feminine hygiene product, like the one shown here. The ad is really cute (I try never to forget my V!) but I'm not wild about the implication that women should use anything more than soap and water to keep our lady parts clean and fresh. With messages like this bombarding us, is it any wonder women don't feel hot and sexy all the time? That we worry about how we look, smell and taste? Yes, we do worry about these things when we get ready for sex. Oh sure, we try not to, but often we perceive ourselves as undesirable, which makes us depressed and not at all in the mood for love. So sometimes, sweetheart, when we say no, it's not because we don't want you. It's because we think we're ___________. See the list above. If you're up to the challenge, convince us otherwise. Come on! Happy Valentines' Day! ![]() Join me as I open my blog again *wiping cobwebs and coffees spills* and welcome Sabrina York. Her new book, Devlin's Dare, caught my eye when I saw gluten free products mentioned. Read on. Imagine my horror when my doctor sat me down and said, in a totally normal tone of voice (as though she were not, with these simple words, shattering my universe): “Sabrina, you need to stop eating carbs.” Egads. For me the problem was my blood sugar. I needed to get it down. And I am pleased to say, I’ve been able to do that in the past two years. Without carbs. When I started introducing carbs back into my diet, I discovered something very interesting. My blood sugar spiked whenever I ate wheat. There are lots of kinds of carbs, and they all impact a body differently. Each person has a different tolerance for certain foods. Starches and wheat are dangerous for me, that means no bread, potatoes, rice, pizza or cake. I know. All my favorite foods. It behooved me to discover alternate recipes. I discovered that there are lots of great ways to create tasty gluten free foods. Almond and rice flour are common substitutions. Coconut flour is also a tasty option. Cauliflower makes an awesome (healthy) pizza crust. And believe it or not, a damn tasty fried “rice.” When I started writing Devlin’s Dare, I knew I had to make gluten-free baking a central element. In the book, Devlin, a food critic, gives Tara’s bakery a poor review…because she doesn’t offer gluten free options. Tara’s response: “I’m a baker. I use wheat. So sue me!” Of course, unable to tolerate a bad review, Tara starts developing gluten free recipes, and the next time Devlin comes into her bakery—for a cream puff—she refuses to serve him anything but gluten free. (He really wants that cream puff. And maybe a cookie). Here are two of the recipes I imagine Tara experimented with. Try them out and let me know what you think! Cream Cheese Muffins Ingredients 2 8oz. pks. Philadelphia cream cheese 1/2 cup splenda 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. vanilla Instructions Soften cream cheese about 40 seconds in microwave. Add other ingredients. Beat with mixer till smooth. Pour into 12 muffin pans lined with the papers. Bake at 350 for 20 min. Black Bean Brownies Preheat Oven: 350 Cooking Time: 30-40 Ingredients 1 15oz. can of UNSEASONED black beans - drained and rinsed 4 eggs 1 cup Splenda 3 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp. baking powder 2 tbsp. oil or butter 1 Tbs Vanilla (FULL Tablespoon) 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup ricotta cheese or cream cheese chopped nuts - optional For extra chocolatey goodness: 2 ounces of unsweetened chocolate, melted with 2 Tbs. oil/butter in the microwave. Add a couple of Tbs. of Splenda. Then mix this in the batter right before you spread it in the pan. Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients in a food processor or blender- blend very, very well. Pour into an 8x8 baking pan sprayed with cooking spray or oiled with canola or olive oil. Bake for 30-40 minutes until toothpick pulls out clean). Try carrot cake using Great Northern Beans/cinnamon/walnuts/2 shredded carrots/1/4 cup of dry milk powder and the basic recipe above not using the chocolate. Gluten free cooking resources http://www.simplyrecipes.com/cooking_gluten-free/ http://glutenfreegirl.com/ http://glutenfreecooking.about.com/ http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/ http://glutenfreemommy.com/ Happy eating! And happy reading! Blurb and Excerpt for DEVLIN’S DARE—Book 5 in the Tryst Island Series A No-Strings Fling Becomes Something For Which He Will Risk All Devlin Fox has always been a player. A horny bee flitting from flower to flower. He has no idea why the sexy minx he meets on the way to Tryst Island affects him the way she does. Arousal—for her—hits him like a fist to the gut and he can’t stop thinking about her. But Tara Romano doesn’t “do” commitments. For good reason. When she proposes they be “friends with benefits,” Devlin can’t figure out why the idea annoys him so much. It should be the perfect scenario. A gorgeous, alluring woman who only wants him for his body… He wants, needs, more from Tara, so he hits upon a plan to turn their no-strings-fling into something lasting. A series of tantalizing dares—dares Tara cannot resist. Now Available on Amazon “That’s Devlin Fox?” She glared across the restaurant. It wasn’t bad enough that the gorgeous guy she ran into on the ferry turned out to be friends with the douche in the ascot she’d been running from. No. He had to be her worst enemy too. Damn. Damn damn damn. “You know him?” Bella asked. “He writes a Foodie Blog.” Tara glowered around the table, trying hard not to snarl. Or pout. “He gave Stud Muffin a bad review.” “What?” Cam squawked. Jamie shook her head. “Why did he do that?” Tara crossed her arms over her chest. She’d spent her life learning her craft. Spent her life savings opening her own bakery. Spent years building clientele. Then, with one crappy review, business had tanked. Totally into the toilet. In one fell swoop, many of her regulars had stopped coming in. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to make the bills this month, which was devastating. And all because of him. It was unfair for one man to have so much power. And why had he panned her bakery? “Because I don’t have gluten-free.” She muttered, then added, under her breath, “Big baby.” Still, gluten-free was a huge deal in Seattle. She’d spent the past week working up recipes. And fantasizing about wreaking vengeance on a certain blogger. It had been a mere fantasy, until now. But now… Kaitlin shifted closer, drawing Tara’s attention. “What are you thinking?” she asked in a whisper, her features tight. Tara froze. It didn’t do to think around Kaitlin. Not that the elfin redhead read minds, or at least that’s what she claimed. But she seemed to know things. “Nothing.” Tara made it a point to bat her lashes. Kaitlin’s nose rumpled, as though she smelled something nasty. Like a lie. But hell. Tara couldn’t tell Kaitlin what she was really thinking because Kaitlin—the sweet, innocent soul that she was—would try to talk her out of it. Ramble on about Karma and shit. No, Tara couldn’t tell anyone what she was really thinking about. Because she was plotting revenge. She was going to get Devlin Fox back. And she was going to get him good. * * * * * “Hi there.” Devlin turned on the barstool, his trademark smile firmly in place. Everything within him froze. It was her. That little slice of heaven from the ferry. Damn. She was as hot as he remembered. She sidled up next to him and the chatter of the bar receded. Fascination—and something else—rose. “Well hello there.” He liked her scent, something floral and light. He liked her heat as she pressed against his side. She lowered her long lush lashes and peeped up at him through the fringe. Damn, that was sexy. She licked her lips. That was sexy too. “I never got to thank you,” she purred. “Th-Thank me?” Was that her hand? On his thigh? Shit yeah. “For saving me.” Her fingers flexed. “I would have tumbled to my death if you hadn’t grabbed me.” “I doubt you would have tumbled to your death. Disfigurement, perhaps. Dire injury. But not death. Don’t exaggerate.” She laughed, a low chortle. “Well… Thank you.” She leaned closer and whispered, “Can I buy you a drink?” Devlin blinked. He’d been hit on in bars before, but no woman had ever offered to buy him a drink. She might just be a perfect woman. “Sure.” “What’s your poison?” “Whiskey sour.” She signaled to the bartender. “So…I’m Devlin.” “Devlin.” She cooed. Actually cooed. “And you are…?” “Interested.” He jumped a little as her hand skated up his thigh. His pulse skipped. “I…ah…yes. But what can I call you?” He had a pretty good idea where this was headed, and he wanted to know what to cry out as he sank into her steamy depths. It was only polite to know a woman’s name at a moment like that. She pursed her lips, as though she were thinking it over. Or thinking about something else. Her thumb snaked up. Nudged his balls, ever so lightly, and through thick denim, but he felt it like an electrical charge. “Call me Sugar.” “Sugar.” Oh yeah. She was sweet. “Would you…like to go for a walk?” “A walk?” His cock lurched. All thoughts of that drink faded. “It’s a beautiful night…” She looked over her shoulder and then threaded her fingers in his, leading him toward the back of the bar. He didn’t know why they weren’t heading for the front door, but didn’t much care. She was a beautiful woman. She wanted him. And he was just drunk enough to follow her anywhere she led. He shot a glance at Parker who sent him a thumbs up. They barely made it out the back door of the bar before she kissed him. Damn. Backed him up against the wall, raked her fingers through his hair, pulled his head down and took his mouth. And damn, she was a good kisser. She ate him with heat and passion and carnivorous zeal. He responded in kind, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. He nearly passed out when she sucked on it, nibbled it, toyed with it. He couldn’t help imagining her doing the same to his cock. Her palm roved over his chest and made its way down to his hips. He didn’t dare move as she slowly teased the band of his jeans. She pulled back and held his gaze as she popped the snap. “Mmm,” she murmured, reaching in. His eyes crossed as she molded his length. Squeezed. “Such a big boy.” She licked her lips and his brain short-circuited. When she went to her knees before him and blew a hot breath on him through the cotton of his briefs, he nearly lost consciousness. “I want to taste you,” she said. “Take off your pants.” Holy God. Yes. In a frenzy, he kicked off his shoes, and ripped off his jeans, hopping from one foot to the other. He held still, frozen in place, as she hooked her thumbs in his briefs and eased them down revealing his eager cock. She dragged his underwear down until they pooled at his ankles. He heard the catch in her moan. Felt the trace of a warm finger around his swollen head and down to the base. He shuddered. “Ah. Yes,” she said, coming close. Her heat caressed him. His knees knocked. She fisted him. Pumped. Once. Twice. Blood pounded at his temples. Thrummed in his cock. She bent closer. Her damp breath kissed the head. “Such a big dick,” she said. If he’d been in his right mind, her tone would have warned him, but he wasn’t in his right mind. He was a little drunk and a lot horny and there was a gorgeous woman on her knees before him with his cock in her fist. Her mouth hovered over the tip. Yes. Yes. Just a little more… She released him and stood up in a rush. Her beautiful, seductive expression morphed into something bitter. He gaped at her, stunned. “Yeah,” she said, propping her fists on her hips. “You, Devlin Fox, are a big dick.” And then she left. Whirled on her heel and left him standing there, half-naked, leaning against the grimy brick wall behind a grungy bar. And she took his jeans. About Sabrina York Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York is the award winning author of over 20 hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to scorching BDSM. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at www.sabrinayork.com to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Free Teaser Book: http://sabrinayork.com/home-2/sabrina-yorks-teaser-book/ And don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara! CURRENT PROMOS Free Teaser Book: http://sabrinayork.com/home-2/sabrina-yorks-teaser-book/ Newsletter & contest: http://sabrinayork.com/sabrinas-contest-and-newsletter/ Enter to win a signed print copy of scorching Regency romance, Dark Fancy on Goodreads! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17409083-dark-fancy FOLLOW SABRINA Like my Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaYorkBooks Follow me on Twitter @sabrina_york Follow me on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5817917.Sabrina_York Check out my Pintrest boards: http://www.pinterest.com/sabrinayork/boards/ Like my Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Sabrina-York/e/B00856PDEO/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1382929432&sr=8-2-ent Check out my Barnes & Noble Author page: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/sabrina-york Follow me on Ellora’s Cave: https://www.ellorascave.com/index.php/authors/index/author/slug/sabrina-york/ This month I'm having guests at my blog. *clean, dust, vacuum* Please welcome the first one, Karolyn James, and her Brothers of Rock novels. As Karolyn says, "When rockstars come to town, crazy things can happen..." In 2013, it was the year of Chasing Cross. The Brothers of Rock series kicked off with a five book series that saw chart topping romance books following rock band Chasing Cross. In October 2013, as part of a boxed set collection, the first book in the series, All Access, reached both NY Times and USA Today bestselling status! Thanks to the reader support and *demand* for more Brothers of Rock, 2014 saw the release of A Voice to Love, the first book following rock band, Fallen Tuesday. Don't miss any of the exciting Brothers of Rock books!
Right now, All Access (Chasing Cross Book One) (A Brothers of Rock Novel) is FREE on Amazon! AND... A Voice to Love (Fallen Tuesday Book One) (A Brothers of Rock Novel) is only $0.99! The bestselling romance series BROTHERS OF ROCK continues with rock band, Fallen Tuesday! From USA Today / NY Times Bestselling author, Karolyn James, the Brothers of Rock series continues! * A Voice to Love (Fallen Tuesday Book One) (A Brothers of Rock Novel) The Brothers of Rock series continues with Fallen Tuesday! Lead singer Luke Nolan's sudden success is everything dreams are made of. Going from playing at a local dive bar to touring with mega band Chasing Cross, seemingly overnight, and ultimately saving the headliner's tour, has the men of Fallen Tuesday absolutely loving the life on the road. In fact, Luke is loving it so much that he has used every excuse to not tell his bandmates about his medical condition that is worsening with each performance. In a small town just outside Syracuse, New York, Amy Deleranne seeks solitude in the kitchen of Tommy Two's, her uncle Tom's restaurant that should have been hers by now. She understands his emotional attachment, but she has poured her life into its survival and has more at stake than anyone knows... With Luke battling a skyrocketing career and the medically unknown and Amy terrified to look over her shoulder at all times, it is no wonder that sparks fly when they meet. However, can their hearts, and their careers, survive the secrets they've been keeping? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HNEOAN4/ ←- Amazon http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-voice-to-love-karolyn-james/1117925131?ean=2940148853626 ← Barnes and Noble __ With ALL ACCESS, a contemporary romance series begins that explores, life, love, and music. Join the five band members of Chasing Cross as they find that there's more to life beyond the stage. BOOK DESCRIPTION: Jess is caught off guard when a sexy stranger buys her a cup of coffee and asks her to sit with him. He's mysterious, nice, and even though he says the right things at the right time, Jess can sense that there's something hidden about him. * As Johnnie sits across from the beautiful woman, he can't believe she doesn't recognize him. Everyone does. It comes with the territory when you're the lead singer of one of the hottest bands in the world, Chasing Cross. With one more show to go before taking a small break in touring, it feels like luck is on Johnnie's side. That is, if he can find a way to tell Jess who he is, without scaring her off. * After her best friend begs her to come to a concert, Jess finds herself standing in the middle of a crowd. The lights are off, music begins, and the crowd erupts in cheers. She doesn't know much about the band, but that's all about to change. When the lights come on, Jess can't believe her eyes. The lead singer of the band is the man from the café. * Plucked from the crowd during the show, Jess makes her way backstage. The encore may have ended on stage, but the real show is just about to begin. Johnnie's passion quickly turns to romance but the more time he and Jess spend together, the more things get complicated. Johnnie has a big decision to make about himself and the band, testing his loyalty and love for the music, and when Jess's dreams start to come true, she starts to realize that true love exists, but it's not always an easy path to take. _________________________ The second book in the Brothers of Rock series is BROKEN SOUND, where lead guitarist, Davey, is faced with life changing decisions involving love, family, and as always, music. BOOK DESCRIPTION: Rockstars expect women to show up at their hotel room, but when a woman shows up with an infant and tells Davey he is the father, his world is turned upside down. * Anna is a teacher and part-time waitress, desperate to make enough to pay off debts left to her by an ex-boyfriend who made her life a living hell. When her boss schedules her for an extra shift, he tells her it's her job to take care of a special guest... lead guitarist of Chasing Cross, Davey. The second Anna meets eyes with Davey, she feels something she's wanted for a long time. But with someone famous? That's impossible. Besides, Davey is there with a date. * When Davey returns to the restaurant, sans date, he asks to see Anna. She doesn't understand what he would want with her. He is a man with a big heart, kind eyes, and the true power that only a real rockstar could have. Then Anna learns the truth of Davey's life, from his haunted past to his rocky present. Still, she longs to be part of his future. But when Anna's own past turns potentially deadly, life and love suddenly collide in a way that could hurt everyone and leave someone dead. _________________________ Book three in the Brothers of Rock series - BITTER FAREWELL When Danny boards the private jet for his father's funeral, he knows he isn't just going back home to settle the estate. * He is going to back to find her... the girl who loved him, the girl who understood his family problems, and the girl he left behind to chase his dream of becoming a rockstar. * Liv Cryers is stuck in Bakersville. Literally. She came back hoping to find peace inside her empty heart, but now she's forced to care for her ailing father who doesn't remember her most days. She's tired of being forgotten. The sounds of her past seem so far away... * When rockstars come to town, crazy things can happen... _________________________ The next book in the Brothers of Rock series - BURIED NOTES Finally exposing a secret to his band after years of hiding, Chasing Cross bassist, Chris, confesses that some years ago, during a wild night, he ended up marrying someone. It was supposed to be a no-big-deal kind of thing, with a stipulation... if one of them fell in love or wanted to get married to someone else, they would divorce. * Chris has been served divorce papers, and it should be easy to just sign them, but he can't. His heart won't allow it. * Becky loses her mother to breast cancer and realizes that life sometimes really is too short. She finds the ring she received from a sexy rockstar the night she secretly married him. The memory should have been fun, but after being pushed into a corner to stay married while that rockstar's band took off, Becky can't do it anymore. * She sends divorce papers and waits... and waits... and weeks after sending the papers, she wonders what's taking so long... * In a journey that forces Chris to step back in time to find his future, he knows he needs to find Becky - his wife. He isn't sure what he'll find, but he knows he wants the truth. * Was it love back then? Or just a crazy night with a rockstar? __ http://www.amazon.com/Brothers-rockstar-contemporary-romance-ebook/dp/B00BN1P6Z4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1364296750&sr=1-1&keywords=rockstar+romance%2C+B00BN1P6Z4 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-access-karolyn-james/1114740506?ean=2940016234175 _______ The fifth Brothers of Rock novel featuring Chasing Cross finds drummer Rick Saunderst living in a personal hell. After walking away from Chasing Cross in the middle of their tour, he tries everything he can to settle the demons in his soul, but the all night parties, booze, women, and jam sessions cannot silence the voice deep within... * Sarah is a small town veterinarian, not quite sure where her life is going. She walks her opinionated dog and lives her life in a simple routine. When a moving truck disrupts her quiet street, she must learn to accept her new neighbor's noisy habits and sexy stare. * For the first time ever, booze can't mask his feelings. After over a decade of the rockstar life, Rick finally feels like he has a life off stage. Jamming in a garage with old friends and getting to know Sarah, and her loyal dog, Molly, is his definition of home. * The rest of Chasing Cross continue the tour, with help from Fallen Tuesday’s lead singer, Luke, as their replacement drummer. He brings life back to the band, but even still, without Rick, the band feels incomplete. * In the final book featuring Chasing Cross, choices will come to a head. Chasing Cross must decide whether to move on without Rick and Rick must settle his own battles, personally and professionally. Falling in love wasn’t part of the deal, but sometimes love happens when a person least expects it. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G60TL4E http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/last-song-karolyn-james/1117239121?ean=2940148406020 ** Karolyn James is the author of several bestselling series. With over 100,000 ebooks sold, Karolyn has seen success in both romance and in erotic romance. Her current series include the smash hit Brothers of Rock romance series. Don't miss the first part of the series following rock band, Chasing Cross! Book One - All Access Book Two - Broken Sound Book Three - Bitter Farewell Book Four - Buried Notes Book Five - Last Song Recently announced - coming 2014: The Brothers of Rock series will continue with five more books following rock band, Fallen Tuesday! Karolyn James also writes under the pen name, Claire Charlins, writing western romances. Upon releasing the first book in the Mail Order Romance series, West For Love, the book shot straight to the top of the Amazon Kindle charts! The second book in this mail order bride romance series is now available, titled Finding Love West! Stay up to date with everything Karolyn James here: On Twitter: @KarolynWrites Visit online: www.KarolynJames.wordpress.com On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarolynJamesAuthor Mailing list: tinyurl.com/KJSignup |
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