Since it rained most of the holiday weekend in my neck of the woods, my honey and I decided to indulge in a movie marathon. Dark Shadows, sadly, was a disappointment. It was not funny enough to be a comedy, not dark enough to be scary, and didn't move fast enough to be a good action flick. There were many good spots, though, enough to hold my interest and not make me demand my money back. Any day I get to see Johnny Depp and a glimpse of Alice Cooper is a good day.
The Avengers was on my must-see list, and it does indeed live up to the hype. The story was excellent! Fast paced, lots of action, and plenty of witty lines delivered from all super heroes. Something odd I noticed, aside from a little loving between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, there was no romance in this film. That doesn't seem to stop it from being a mega hit, so check this one out if you can. Something else odd, with all the hot super heroes, I like the bad guy! Why is that? Loki is certainly not the sexiest one in the bunch. Sure, the all-black attire is hot, and his super strength is mighty appealing. I think maybe it's his vulnerability. With all this power he has, there's still something he wants and can't get. Poor Loki. I want to comfort him. In all kinds of naughty ways. I want him to be bad, dark, and wicked and… Okay, enough of this, it's time to write!
We all love our coffee! Imagine being far from home and not only missing your family and friends, but also your precious java, or Elixir of the Gods, as I like to call it. Green Beans coffee has come up with a simple, inexpensive way to send a service member a Cup of Joe.
Read this post at The Romance Studio's party. Oh, and enter to win goodies, while you're there! A great TV series and my favorite prostitute
Prostitution, the world's oldest profession, is legal and regulated in many countries, legal but not regulated in others, and outlawed altogether in the United States, except some rural counties of Nevada. Prostitutes have been portrayed in romantic comedies like Pretty Woman, Mighty Aphrodite, and The Owl and the Pussycat. Paul Schrader gave us a glimpse of a male escort with Richard Gere as an American Gigolo, and who can forget the delightful Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo? All these movies portrayed different lifestyles of call girls (and boys), but one that interested me was the companion character on the space western series Firefly. Read the rest of this short post at Dogs are always getting all the credit for saving lives. Here's a charming story about a cat with special powers. At least, that's what I'd like to think happened. Are you Superwoman? Probably not, though at times, it feels like we need to be to get everything done. Women today have an overwhelming number of duties to perform. We’re Working Woman, Mom, Wife, Friend, Caretaker, etc. Sadly, there’s one role we don’t get to play often enough. When is the last time you were Red Hot Siren? That sexy, uninhibited woman in the slinky lingerie, tempting your lover with your feminine wiles. Probably not recently, and looking at your calendar, you don't see the chance of this persona making an appearance anytime soon.
Most of us put our sex life on the back burner. Everything else gets taken care of first. We go to work, sit at the computer at home finishing work or balancing the household budget. We grocery shop, cook meals, shuttle kids to and fro, scoop poop and clean litter. The toilets need to be scrubbed, the kitchen floor mopped, and the car taken in for an oil change. So much to do and not enough hours in the day. When we finally stop, flopped down on the bed, exhausted, we might have a few minutes to talk to our partner before one of us conks out, and the conversation is usually about the chores we have to do the next day, not about what position we’d like to try that night. And so it goes, day after day, till we find ourselves crabby, snapping at our honey, and snarling at the dog. Stressed out and overwhelmed? You betcha! We need relief. Read the rest of this article at Any day that starts with a visit to the doctor should end with a bit of fun. Don't these look like something other than pool toys to you?
And the winner is....Linda Bass! Linda is one happy camper today. Congrats to her!
First, let's all take a moment and go Oooohhhh as we admire this beautiful picture. Then, enter Tabitha Blake's Mother's Day Blowout for a chance to win eighty ebooks. Wow! That should keep you busy for the summer. And the lucky winner is, Loretta! Thank you everyone for participating. I loved all the great ideas, and some of them might show up in future books.The rules of this hop say we should showcase one erotic romance book and talk about why we love it. Of course, my first thought was to tell you about one of mine and tell you why I love it, but aside from the obvious self-promoting ploy, how can I pick a favorite?
Instead, I will tell you about a book by one of my favorite erotic authors, Lisabet Sarai, called Just a Spanking. These stories are just right for a quick read before bedtime. Even if you don't particularly like spanking,(which I do!) Lisabet writes with such amazing imagery, you'll jump right into each scene and enjoy it. I love her writing style! This book is not about violence, but about dominance and submission. If you want a nice intro to the spanking world, this is it. Here is the buy link: My giveaway for this fun event will be the winner's choice of one of my ebooks. To enter, please leave me a comment and tell me where you would like to see an erotic scene take place. On a rug in front of the fireplace? On a roller coaster? Let your imagination go crazy! Click on the button below to go to the next blog to visit. If you haven’t registered at The Romance Reviews, clicking on the button will take you to the website to do so. The contest will start on May 10, 12:00am EST and will end on May 14, 11:59pm EST. Good luck, and have fun! Yes, the library I love has pulled this book from their shelves. The article below brings up several good points, like why does The Complete Kama Sutra and Lolita get to stay? Because they're classics? Please, let us decide for ourselves what we find offensive. |
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February 2024