I'm hanging out at Coffee Time Romance today. Come visit, leave a comment to enter my contest or retweet (little button at the top.) Thanks!
There are some fabulous blog hops and contests going on right now and coming up soon for Valentine's Day. I've put together a newsletter that will tell you where to find many of these. Go to this page, https://tinyletter.com/naomibellina, put in your primary email address, and click the big red button. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your address, so make sure to click the link when you get that. Then you will be all set up to receive my January/February edition of Tantalizing Treasures, Adventures in Romance. Enjoy!
Since not too much was going on with football, my honey joined me for a trip to the library and out to Port Canaveral. We ate at Seafood Atlantic, which was delicious and had a great view. Really, come visit this area!
Thanks to the witty, insightful Barbara Vey, who blessed us with her presence at our Space Coast Authors of Romance meeting yesterday, I now feel better about Twitter. I've had bad feelings towards this social media outlet for some time. Bad might be too strong a word; ambivalent is more like it. Twitter just didn't seem like a good use of my time. Thanks to an hour or so with Barbara, I now have a much better grasp on what Twitter is and how to successfully use it. I'm even excited to start tweeting. Look for me there. Be my friend, I'll be yours. My Twitter name is TheGoddessNaomi.
Here I am playing Twenty Questions with Elizabeth Morgan. Check out my idea of what men are really thinking (it's kind of scary), and get exciting details about my new book that was just released. What fun this was! Elizabeth is great to work with and I believe she has spots open for other authors to participate. Give her a holler.
http://xxxxmyworldxxxx.blogspot.com/2012/01/playing-20-questions-with-naomi-bellina.html?showComment=1327501154018#c6722605752018763069 I'm very excited about my latest release, Seducing the Stone published by Noble Romance. It was great fun bringing to life the sneaky but charming fairy, Raya. I'm a bit devious myself, in fact, I have a clandestine mission planned soon. There is a house nearby that has been abandoned, and my honey suggested we raid it to get the recycle bin, since we usually fill ours and have more to add. I can't wait! I only hope that, like the sexy Raya, I can complete my mission without getting caught! Visit my excerpts page to read more, then head to Noble Romance and get a copy. https://www.nobleromance.com/Books/387/Seducing-the-Stone
Ah, January, the month that for some people, can be more frightening than Halloween. Why? Because this is the month the enormous credit card bills start rolling in!
Many folks charge their way through Christmas, literally. They start early and keep going, whipping out those magic pieces of plastic until the raised numbers are flat and the security code on the back is worn off. With online shopping, it's especially easy to make purchases, since we can do it in the comfort of our own little home, twenty-four hours a day, wearing our pajamas and slippers. Or with a glass of wine. Or two. That's when Internet shopping gets really fun! One for you, one for me, another one for me... But now, come January, it's time to pay the piper. Maybe even with interest. Problem is, there's no extra money to take care of an additional bill. And so the question arises, if given the opportunity, what would you do for money? Join me at Night Owl Romance as I ponder that question, and share something odd I did one year to make a few extra bucks. Leave a comment and tell me something strange you've done for money, and enter to win my ebook Demons and Angels. http://nightowlromanceblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/naomi-bellina-what-would-you-do-for.html I'm at Maria-Claire Payne's Thirsty Thursday talking about energy suckers. The holiday bills are rolling in, it’s dark, cold and all-around dreary. Your tail is dragging. The last thing you need is something or someone else to drain your energy. As much as we love our vampires, anything that takes our life essence from us is not good. Too often in real life, we’re surrounded by “energy vampires,” people who feed on the energy resources of others. It’s best to avoid these individuals, but should you have to spend time in their company, make sure you take the necessary steps to get your strength back. Even if you haven’t run into any power suckers, it’s good to stop now and then and give yourself a boost of vitality. Check out my energy-renewing tips at http://maria-clairepayne.com/a-thirsty-thursday-with-naomi-bellina I just attended a workshop, The power of Momentum, http://www.meetup.com/Space-Coast-Power-Team/events/35511012/ presented by the Space Coast Power Team. Jacqueline Giurleo and her team got us revved up with a little dancing, playing, and fun, then we got busy filling out worksheets on the seven steps to a fulfilling 2012. Then we broke boards. Solid wood boards! What a great way to visual breaking through barriers that hold us back. Love, money, fear, stress, writer's block, you name it. I'm going to carry my broken board with me, and when I start to feel negative or worry about how I'm going to do something, I'll look at that solid piece of wood that I demolished, and remember that I'm strong!
Nothing like twirling a hula hoop for a couple of hours to get the energy flowing! But boy are my arms sore today!
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AuthorI would love to hear from you! Drop me a line at naomibellina AT live.com Archives
February 2024