Ah, January, the month that for some people, can be more frightening than Halloween. Why? Because this is the month the enormous credit card bills start rolling in!
Many folks charge their way through Christmas, literally. They start early and keep going, whipping out those magic pieces of plastic until the raised numbers are flat and the security code on the back is worn off. With online shopping, it's especially easy to make purchases, since we can do it in the comfort of our own little home, twenty-four hours a day, wearing our pajamas and slippers. Or with a glass of wine. Or two. That's when Internet shopping gets really fun! One for you, one for me, another one for me... But now, come January, it's time to pay the piper. Maybe even with interest. Problem is, there's no extra money to take care of an additional bill. And so the question arises, if given the opportunity, what would you do for money? Join me at Night Owl Romance as I ponder that question, and share something odd I did one year to make a few extra bucks. Leave a comment and tell me something strange you've done for money, and enter to win my ebook Demons and Angels. http://nightowlromanceblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/naomi-bellina-what-would-you-do-for.html
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February 2024