I'm still posting at The Romance Studio's fun events. Check out my review of a great cookbook, Ghoulish Goodies by Sharon Bowers. Make sure to visit other authors and win lots of prizes!
http://www.theromancestudio.com/party/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13524:check-out-this-cookbook-ghoulish-goodies&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=54 Halloween! This has always been my favorite holiday for several reasons. First, because Halloween signals the coming of the most wonderful season, autumn. I love to watch the leaves change colors and feel the nip in the air. Living in the southern United States, I'm especially grateful for the cooler weather and welcome fall with open arms.
Second, it means the end-of-year holidays are about to start. Now, I have mixed feelings about those, kind of a love/hate relationship. I love what they symbolize and how they're SUPPOSED to play out, but hate that they usually end up being a lot of work and stress, and often a letdown. I don't know about you, but my life rarely resembles the ideal that is portrayed on television, with blissfully carefree days of holiday food preparation, shopping, and attending all sorts of magical events. While there are certainly special moments to be enjoyed, there is also a lot of rushing around with too much to do and too little time, as I feel the pressure of trying to do everything! Intellectually I know most people don't really live a television life, but part of me wants the holidays to be perfect. So, I approach Thanksgiving and Christmas with mixed emotions, and optimistically hope for the best. But Halloween…I can make that holiday whatever I want! No family obligations, no meals to prepare, no gifts to buy. I can chose to hand out treats to the kids or not, and no one will look at me with horror if I tell them I'm just not up to celebrating Halloween this year. Try doing that with Christmas! The best part about Halloween, however, is I get to chose who or what I want to be. Depending on my mood of the moment, I can be anyone or anything my mind can dream up. Am I feeling cute and sexy? How about a fairy? Or wicked and wanton? A slinky witch. Bitchy and evil? A warrior sorceress! Read the rest of this post at Night Owl Romance and enter to win a prize! http://nightowlromanceblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/naomi-bellina-holiday-and-halloween.html Here is a little snog from my latest release, When Irish Eyes Are Evil. We don't use the term 'snog' too much in America so I had to look up the definition. The Urban Dictionary defines it as "verb; to interface passionately with another being, creating a field of physical obsession and focused arousal +centered+ on the lips, mouth and tongue." Perfect! Enjoy mine and head over to The Sunday Snog by Victoria Blisse to check out her snog for the day as well as links to other wonderful authors. http://www.victoriablisse.co.uk/blog/sunday-snog-naughty-rendezvous/
Shawn held very still and looked into Rachel’s eyes. She licked her lips seductively and gently bit the bottom one, a sexy technique that looked oh-so-good on the late movies—but when he suddenly pulled away, she wondered if she had gone too far. It had been a while since she’d used her feminine wiles to seduce a man and who knew what type of behaviour was considered normal out here. Maybe there was some kind of unspoken protocol for these things. Hell, maybe weird golden light and strange-tasting post-coital drinks were the standard. Shawn strode across the room and locked the door, then turned to face Rachel again. She sneaked a glance at the front of his pants and hid a triumphant smile. Her seduction technique appeared to have worked. Shawn’s cock was hard against the front of his pants and his breath was coming fast. Well, no need to waste any more time, Rachel decided, and peeled off her shirt to reveal her firm little breasts and already hard nipples. She began to take down her pants, but Shawn stopped her. “Wait, let me unwrap you,” he said, his voice ragged. “I’ve dreamt about seeing you naked since the moment I saw you.” He slowly undid her jeans, slid the zipper down and pulled her pants to her ankles. For a moment, he rested his cheek against her stomach. “So soft and warm,” he murmured, then gently slid the lacy panties down and buried his face between her legs. “Your scent is driving me wild,” he groaned, and began to lick her pussy, his tongue first teasing her clit, then moving deeper. Rachel felt her legs begin to buckle and nearly fell. She hadn’t felt these sensations for far too long. Check out this interview I did with the fabulous, witty, Lux Zakari. Lux asked me some great questions, and here's one of them: Where do you derive your inspiration from?
One of the best and unfortunately most inconvenient places that ideas pop into my mind is the shower. It must be all those negative ions floating about! I used to keep a set of markers in there, the kind that are made for writing on glass, and I would write on the shower door, but they ended up leaking. Now I just mutter to myself and can often be seen running wet and naked through the house to get my thoughts to my computer. Was that too much information? Nah! Read the full interview here and learn many interesting things about yours truly, and check out Lux's hot new book, Finale: http://luxzakari.com/2011/10/05/interview-naomi-bellina/ Here it is, at long last, my new book, When Irish Eyes Are Evil! This one is especially dear to me since it takes place on the World Space Station, a made-up spot I hope is one day a reality. Pop over to my Excerpts page to read a teaser for this book, then visit Total-E-Bound to buy it. Check it out at http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=&P_ID=1378 |
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