Here is a little snog from my latest release, When Irish Eyes Are Evil. We don't use the term 'snog' too much in America so I had to look up the definition. The Urban Dictionary defines it as "verb; to interface passionately with another being, creating a field of physical obsession and focused arousal +centered+ on the lips, mouth and tongue." Perfect! Enjoy mine and head over to The Sunday Snog by Victoria Blisse to check out her snog for the day as well as links to other wonderful authors.
Shawn held very still and looked into Rachel’s eyes. She licked her lips seductively and gently bit the bottom one, a sexy technique that looked oh-so-good on the late movies—but when he suddenly pulled away, she wondered if she had gone too far. It had been a while since she’d used her feminine wiles to seduce a man and who knew what type of behaviour was considered normal out here. Maybe there was some kind of unspoken protocol for these things. Hell, maybe weird golden light and strange-tasting post-coital drinks were the standard. Shawn strode across the room and locked the door, then turned to face Rachel again. She sneaked a glance at the front of his pants and hid a triumphant smile. Her seduction technique appeared to have worked. Shawn’s cock was hard against the front of his pants and his breath was coming fast. Well, no need to waste any more time, Rachel decided, and peeled off her shirt to reveal her firm little breasts and already hard nipples. She began to take down her pants, but Shawn stopped her. “Wait, let me unwrap you,” he said, his voice ragged. “I’ve dreamt about seeing you naked since the moment I saw you.” He slowly undid her jeans, slid the zipper down and pulled her pants to her ankles. For a moment, he rested his cheek against her stomach. “So soft and warm,” he murmured, then gently slid the lacy panties down and buried his face between her legs. “Your scent is driving me wild,” he groaned, and began to lick her pussy, his tongue first teasing her clit, then moving deeper. Rachel felt her legs begin to buckle and nearly fell. She hadn’t felt these sensations for far too long.
1 Comment
10/16/2011 06:30:00 am
Welcome to the Sunday Snog phenomenon! A wonderful first contribution!
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