This is the view from the back of a float I was on during our local Mardi Gras parade. Not quite New Orleans style but in my little town, we try to have fun whenever possible. Speaking of fun, enjoy this excerpt from my work-in-progress, book two in the Nocturne series. Then join other authors in the Paranormal Love Wednesday hop right here:
******************** "A little more, bend a little more, now spread your legs, wider, that's it, lift your hips, right there. It feels good, doesn't it?" Genevieve moaned. No, it didn't feel good, it felt like she was on a medieval torture device. She already regretted letting Morgan talk her into this early morning class with Sally, co-owner of the local Down to Earth Diner. It will be fun, Morgan said. It will give us energy, she said. The only thing going to happen was a torn hamstring is she didn't stop contorting her body into these ridiculous positions. And participating in a class called Sally's Super Sex Yoga? What had she been thinking? "You're looking good, ladies. Feel the energy rising from the Earth, filling your body and soul. Move it through you, let it work its magic." A quick look around at the faces of the other women led Gen to believe, not so much magic energy as sweat flowing. Moisture beaded many brows and most every participant's face wore a grimace. If this sadistic woman did not end the class soon, there would be a mutiny right here in the YMCA of Nocturne. As if reading Genevieve's mind, Sally clapped her hands gently. Copyright © 2015 Naomi Bellina. All rights reserved. Buy links for Ruled by the Moon, Nocturne book 1: Liquid Silver Books: Amazon: Barnes and Noble: Kobo: Google Play: All Romance: iTunes:
Since there's no way I could slog through the book, I had to see the movie. Restaurants are too crowded on a Valentine's Day that falls on Saturday, so my honey and I got ice cream, then went to see Fifty Shades of Grey. I was underwhelmed with the whole movie and kind of pissed at the idea of a rich, powerful guy taking advantage of a naive woman. I knew the premise of the story so I wasn't totally shocked by the plot. But realistically, I don't think any dom is going to want a sub as inexperienced as her. Maybe I'm wrong, but having Anastasia portrayed as (spoiler alert) a virgin (graduating college? Really?) kind of creeped me out. Christian proceeds to change that, then tries to talk her into becoming his sub. She plays along, a little, but really doesn't want to. She likes Christian but wants to do normal people stuff and isn't too wild about having her butt smacked with his belt. The two have nothing in common other than this obsession he seems to have developed for her. You can read the rest of the story synopsis just about anywhere. Two things that most annoyed me about Christian: (spoiler alert) 1. He buys her a new car and sells her classic Volkswagen. She obviously likes her beetle so why did he sell it? I wouldn't turn down a new car but if I loved my old one, why couldn't I hang onto that too? Jerk. 2. Part of the contract he sets up for her says they will go to dinner and/or a movie once in awhile, like normal people, since he doesn't do romance. The rest of the time they're together, we assume, she gets to be whisked around in his helicopters, planes and what not but doesn't really get to enjoy the benefits of dating a rich man. Like nice dinners out, shows, etc. Doesn't sound like much of a deal to me. From what people tell me, if I read the rest of the books the story unfolds further, but from this movie, all I see is a man wanting a woman to be something she's not. I know, this is erotic romance and there has to be some type of conflict and tension, but I'm getting tired of seeing overly-dominant men and women who lust after them for no apparent reason. For another view on this, read Kristen Lamb's post. Surprise, someone is making fun of the book. Want to read a parody? Check out Fifty Shades of Beige. My romantic weekend? My honey does do romance. He got up early Saturday and made me a flower arrangement, went along with my crazy ice cream and movie idea, cuddled with me in bed late Saturday night to watch a better movie and rocked my world Sunday morning. Take that, Christian Grey!
Great cat image by Zhao! at Flicker Flowers are mine, all mine. ![]() So you read the book.Saw the movie.What now?We have the perfect answer.In fact, we have fifteen perfect answers.Join us as we share with you what to read after Fifty Shades.Oh, and count on some naughty fun and some giveaways, too.Fifteen hot authors bringing you stories with sizzle and heart. . .It's just what you need.Kick-off Facebook EventFriday, February 13th 2-10 PM ESTWant to check out some of this steamy goodness?We're offering a FREE sampler book here.Meet the authors. . .Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and three equally special kitties, a wife to her soul mate, and a lover of romance. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers. But it's her home and she loves it!An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with a very active imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. She ventured into the world of writing and publishing in 2008 and loves it more than she imagined. Writing is stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of the house and enter into another world that she created, leaving real life where it belongs. Her favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties. Follow Lia here: Website/Facebook/Facebook Fan Club/Twitter and sign up for her newsletter. Colette Gale is the pen name of an award-winning, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who’s written more than two dozen novels in a variety of genres. Her books have been translated into more than eight languages worldwide, and are regulars on the bestseller lists. Follow Colette here: Facebook/Twitter Layla Wilcox is a native New Yorker. She writes about strong women who like all things hot: weather, food, and men--and not necessarily in that order. When not writing erotic romances, Layla enjoys watching entire seasons of old television series on Amazon Prime while eating homemade vegan pizza, followed by dark chocolate. Follow Layla here: Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus and sign up for her newsletter. Juli Valenti grew up in a small town in Arkansas, known for Wal-mart, which is no longer small but is still known for the grocery store. Lucky for her, she didn’t retain an accent, despite her overuse of ya’ll when talking. She currently resides in sunny Florida with her husband and two young boys. If her world wasn’t crazy enough, she also works a full time day job, as well as owns her own editing company (Juli’s Elite Editing). Follow Juli here: Facebook/Website ![]() ![]() Jayne Rylon is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She received the 2011 Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Indie Erotic Romance. Her stories used to begin as daydreams in seemingly endless business meetings, but now she is a full time author, who employs the skills she learned from her straight-laced corporate existence in the business of writing. She lives in Ohio with two cats and her husband, the infamous Mr. Rylon. When she can escape her purple office, she loves to travel the world, avoid speeding tickets in her beloved Sky, and–of course–read. Follow Jayne here: Facebook/Twitter/Tsu/Newsletter Online Shop - Autographed Books, Ebooks and Reading Apparel LILI VON is the pseudonym of a bestselling contemporary and paranormal romance novelist. But Lili has a naughty little secret. She loves sex. She reads it, she writes it and if she's lucky, she gets it. Soft or hard, fast or slow, hot or wild. A thirty-something married woman, Lili likes erotic stories with substance. She believes in sex with a connection. The stories she writes are about unique couples in unconventional situations. Follow Lili here: Find Lili online: Facebook/Twitter/Website/Newsletter Email: [email protected] Emma Fallon is a southern girl with a penchant for long nights under the stars with hot men. She writes and reads erotic romance and has a special weakness for historical erotica. She can be enticed to do just about anything. . .as long as there's chocolate involved. Follow Emma here: Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Website/Amazon/Newsletter K.M. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of erotic contemporary romance. In love with sexy, intense, unforgettable love, she Follow K.M. here: Email/Facebook/Twitter/Website/Newsletter Ava Branson is a native Floridian, born and raised. She grew up in a boating family on the Atlantic coast and had sand between her toes from birth. A ten year span spent living in Colorado taught her a love and appreciation of the mountains, but the ocean called her back home and Florida is where she settled raising two children and any number of cats. When she’s not writing (which is rare) she’s thinking of stories to write (which is always) and just hopes to be able to share a fraction of the countless romances she has dreamed up with readers. Michelle Fox lives in the Midwest with her husband, kids, the occasional exchange student and two, sweetly disobedient, dogs. In her spare time, she's been known to shake her bon-bon at Zumba, make spectacular cheesecakes, hoard vintage costume jewelry and eat way too much ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra for the win!). Follow Michelle here: Blog/Michelle Fox FB Group/Michelle Fox FB Page/Twitter/Tsu/Goodreads/Newsletter (free read for new subscribers) ARIANNE RICHMONDE IS THE USA TODAY bestselling author of Stolen Grace, and the Pearl Series books: Shades of Pearl, Shadows of Pearl, Shimmers of Pearl, Pearl, and Belle Pearl - all full length novels. The first three books in the series are also available in one trilogy bundle/box set as The Pearl Trilogy. She has also written The Star Trilogy - a Hollywood romance - Shooting Star, Falling Star, and Shining Star. She lives with her husband and coterie of animals in France. She loves to travel and meet people and is thrilled that her books have touched readers from all parts of the globe. Follow Arianne here: Facebook/Twitter/Email/Website/Goodreads Lyra Parish loves to write, glamp, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cups of coffee, cats or happily ever afters. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Lyra lives in Texas with her glassblowing, guitar-playing hubby and black cat named Nibbler. Follow Lyra here: Twitter/Facebook/Website USA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss is an American author who writes stories about real-life scenarios with fantasy Alpha males. Her works include humor as well as steamy sex. Follow Chelle here: Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Newsletter Eve Adams has been writing erotic fiction since the days of original sin. She believes that love is love, exploring sex and relationships between men, women and everything in between. Queen of Hearts is the first book in the Four of Hearts series. With Eve Adams books, you get temptation on every page. Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm ready for candy and romance, how about you? You'll have to get your own candy but The Romance Studio can provide the romance. There's a party going on with lots of great prizes to be had, so visit often. My plans for Vday? It's on Saturday this year so the restaurants will be extra crowded. My honey and I are going to do something different, a visit to get ice cream then see 50 Shades of Grey. Cool it down then heat it up, right? Honey says he has other plans too, so I'll let you know how that comes out. I also have to direct your attention to one of the best Grammy performances of this year. Annie Lennox with Hozier performing Take Me to Church and I Put a Spell on You. Annie Lennox is one of my favs and you can read more about her here then hop over to Amzon and check out her new album like I did. Jilly Reimers wants love but can't find it. Chris Spinell is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who suffers from PTSD and a haunting feeling that something is missing in his life. Chris Poole is also an Afghanistan war veteran is ready to break out of his shell but is unsure how.
With Christmas just around the corner, they decide not to spend it alone. Believing The Love Play Matchmaking Service to be just what they need for a night of fun and passion, they sign up. But when the guys show up and see that they've been set up on a menage, the only one happy about it is Jilly. Their consultant, called an Eros, assures Jilly that the service has a perfect track record but she's certain they'll be the first ones to get their money back. Will they have a very merry Christmas? Or will the three spend yet another one alone? Excerpt Jilly idly twirled a lock of her hair as she gazed at the fire. The meal was good, a bit awkward, but all right. Now with Chris S. in the shower, she and Chris P., who’d freshened up after her, sat beside her. She hoped she’d get a chance to know him a little better, now that they were alone. Unlike Chris S., Chris P. was quiet, more reserved. His warm smile could melt ice. They’d spoken a bit about his life in Australia and how he met the other Chris when they were on Diego Garcia, a tiny atoll in the Pacific. It was there he garnered a better perspective on life, friendships and love. She reasoned that war tended to do that to a person. She looked at him again, admiring what she saw. He was gorgeous. If only she were a femme fatale like her friends. She pictured grabbing him by the scruff of his collar and planting a long seductive kiss on his pouty lips. Anything to ease the tension between her legs and the moisture dripping from her swollen pussy. Golden and sun-kissed like a surfer, he had a look impossible to have around this time of year in Michigan, unless he spent countless hours in a tanning booth. But at the same time he didn’t look like the type who’d go to one. He seemed too rugged. She glanced at his short, flaxen hair, which he wore pulled back in a stubby tail. It accentuated his keen facial features. His physique, like that of a gladiator, made her want to whimper. Built like a brick wall without being too thick, he was three words—supple, etched, steel. And his Australian accent added to his raw sexiness. Whereas Chris S. was the perfect picture type of the all-American, boy-next-door type, with light brown hair and sandy-colored tips and eyes so blue they looked like the color of tropical water. He reminded her of the high school captain of the football team who’d gone into the military and become a man, except he had a sensitive edge that permeated his being. While Chris P., who looked like he could take on a few guys at once, was more lighthearted and outgoing. Either way, she knew she hit the jackpot because both guys were like something out of a magazine called Hot Guys “R” Us. They were a perfect ten. It was best Christmas gift anyone could have ever given her. She hoped a Chris Sandwich was definitely on the menu for the night. But how to get past the talking stage, she had no clue. She wondered if all of her Love Play’s match ups started like this. Wearing some leggings and a cami, and he a T-shirt and shorts, she suddenly felt overdressed. The art of seduction was not something they taught in any of the schools she’d attended, and she sure as hell never picked up any pointers from her so-called “friends.” And her exes never gave her any encouragement in that department either. This date should have come with instructions. I think I’m in trouble. She let out a long sigh. “Did you say something?” Chris P. asked, stirring from his long silence. “I was just thinking how beautiful this place is,” she lied. What? How lame is that? “It is. I’ve never been to a place quite like this.” “Love Play has quite a reputation.” “You’ve used it before?” He perked up, facing her. Heat burned her cheeks. “No. It’s what I heard from some of their clients.” “So have you been married?” he asked. “No.” “Neither have I. Never found anyone to get serious with,” he said, shrugging. “I don’t know. Maybe cupid’s arrow doesn’t work on me.” “For me they’re defective. Or maybe his aim is bad,” she said, trying to suppress the memory of her ex-boyfriend. “What do you mean?” “My relationships, they never work out.” She shrugged her shoulders. “For whatever reason, they seem to choose my friends over me. Or it ends up that way once we get together.” He shook his head. “Nah. They were bad blokes from the start. Believe me. I know. I’ve been around those types my entire life. The randier they are, the worse they will be. If a man wants you, he’ll stay.” His tone was soft, almost vulnerable. “Maybe.” “So tell me,” he said, turning to face her, “you ordered this hook up?” Again, her face flushed. She imagined it turning its characteristic red when the blood rushed to her cheeks. “Yes. But according to the guidelines, you would have either had to be open to it or requested it too. Right?” He chuckled. “I see he also got the smart I asked for. Yes, I am open to a ménage.” His expression became serious. “Do you think me odd?” “No. I’m glad we share that desire.” Buy Link-- Author Bio Clare Dargin is an author of Science Fiction and Romance and has been writing stories all of her life before being published in 2007. She’s a great fan of the two genres and loves promoting them. An educator by profession, she possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in English from a major mid-western university. She presently resides in the Midwest and she hopes to expand her writings to include non-fiction, historical romance, and contemporary novels. Author Links- |
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