Join me today as I reveal a secret about my relationship with cake icing during my interview with the fabulous Starla Kaye. While you're there, check out the helpful Resources for Writers section on her website.
From Miranda's Travels “Have I thanked you yet for rescuing me?” she asked sweetly. “I truly do appreciate all that you’ve done.” “Let’s just be glad that I had more money that what you found and helped yourself to. Will you be repaying me that loan any time soon?” Nicholas asked. Miranda just smiled more widely and laughed. “Now, no more excuses, Lady of Mystery. Tell me who you are, where you’re going, and why,” Nicholas demanded, while somehow knowing that his demands would not be answered. She took his face in her hands, looked deep into his eyes, and began to slowly stroke his temples. “When the time is right, I will tell you all you need to know. For now, it’s time for me to pleasure you.” Nicholas felt as though he had slipped into a dream state, though he could see and feel everything she was doing. She removed his shift, boots and breeches, and began to kiss his forehead, slowly working her way down his neck, chest, and stomach, to his already-hard cock, where she paused to tease him for a moment or two. She planted kisses and licks up and down his legs, and went back to his now very hard cock. He felt as though his limbs were too heavy to lift, and his body was drifting through space. Her mouth was moving slowly up and down his cock, tongue licking sometimes gently, sometimes rough, at the head, down the shaft, to his balls. He longed to throw her onto her back and mount her, yet he still couldn’t move. She finally removed the dowdy dress she was wearing and straddled him, taking him deep inside her. He felt her molten hot wetness surround him, and watched as she seemed to start shining with a bright light from within. The light radiated through her body, and became a glow that was both inside her and all around her; it began to shimmer in the air, and to change colours and pulse. In the centre of it all, lovely Miranda moved slowly, then more quickly on top of him. The last thing he remembered was the feeling that his cock was as hard as a stone, then a stunning climax that seemed to go on forever, his seed shooting hard and deep. Miranda lowered herself gently on top of him and in moments he was asleep. Of course, Miranda was gone the next morning. Buy Miranda's Travels at Coffee! What would we do without that jolt of java in the morning? Anyone else waking up and enjoying a cup, or heading for their midday boost? It's the nectar of the gods, as far as I'm concerned, right up there with wine. What other beverage has special "houses" built for it?
Most of us had to develop a taste for coffee, and some people still don't care for it and jazz it up with cream, sugar, and other flavors to make it tastier. We can get our coffee fix in exotically named drinks like cappuccino, frappuccino, mocha, latte, the list goes on. Here is a great name for a brand of coffee. It has a dirty word in it, so look away if you're easily offended Happy sipping! I'm guest blogging at Erotica for All. Christmas is right around the corner. You know it is, don’t run to the calendar to check. Sure, you’re still eating leftover Halloween candy and haven’t even begun your Christmas shopping, but it’s coming, ready or not. As if the presents, parties, and excess food consumption weren’t enough fun, there’s something else wonderful that happens this time of year. People give to others. Not just gifts to family and friends, we give to people we don’t even know, to those less fortunate than ourselves. We send a little extra money to our favorite charity, drop off items at the food bank, or sponsor a child or a family in need. And when we do this, it feels good. Why do we feel warm and happy when we give? Research suggests there may be a biochemical process responsible for those blissful feelings that occur when we do something good for others. The mesolimbic system of the brain becomes involved, and this is the same system that is associated with the rewarding effects of food and sex. READ MORE AT Woo-hoo! Another party at The Romance Studio. I can't wait to post, read, and enter contests.
I'd like to start the party by talking about something I am deeply thankful for. Good food! 'Good' has different meanings as it pertains to food, as you can see by my pictures. Desserts taste GOOD, and fruit and veggies are GOOD for us. They can taste good too! Look at all this delicious food! We are truly blessed in America to have such a variety to choose from. Let's count our blessings as we look forward to enjoying a day of abundance. Here's a quick and easy recipe for a delicious, healthy dip: Black Bean Dip 1 can of black beans, drained 1/2 cup or to taste of salsa 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (I use more, I like lemon) 1 clove of garlic 1/4 cup green onions Pull out 1/2 cup of beans. In a blender or food processor (I use my Magic Bullet), blend remaining beans, salsa, lemon juice, and garlic until smooth. Stir in green onions and reserved beans. Today I'm guest blogging at Erotica for All.
Christmas is right around the corner. You know it is, don’t run to the calendar to check. Sure, you’re still eating leftover Halloween candy and haven’t even begun your Christmas shopping, but it’s coming, ready or not. As if the presents, parties, and excess food consumption weren’t enough fun, there’s something else wonderful that happens this time of year. People give to others. Not just gifts to family and friends, we give to people we don’t even know, to those less fortunate than ourselves. We send a little extra money to our favorite charity, drop off items at the food bank, or sponsor a child or a family in need. And when we do this, it feels good. Why do we feel warm and happy when we give? Research suggests there may be a biochemical process responsible for those blissful feelings that occur when we do something good for others. The mesolimbic system of the brain becomes involved, and this is the same system that is associated with the rewarding effects of food and sex. READ MORE AT Yes, my snogs are late, because I like to lay on the couch on Sunday morning, read the paper, drink tea, and snuggle with my honey, and sometimes the cat. Better late than never!
From Into the Woods “Tell me your name first,” I asked her. “You can call me Diara,” she said and gently pressed me down to the ground. She knelt over me and ran her hands over my face, entwined her fingers in my hair, and smoothed it gently. “Diara, please tell me…” I started to say, but she brushed her fingers over my lips, silencing my question. With warm soft hands she stroked my face, my neck, then unzipped the zipper on the sweat suit I wore. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt a little concern about letting a stranger touch me so intimately, but it felt so very good. She cooed with delight when my breasts were exposed. “So pretty,” she murmured. She ran her hands over them, purring with pleasure as my nipples hardened under her touch. She then leaned over further and begun to lick and suck them; I felt a stirring of desire spread through me. It had been a long time since Joe and I had had good sex. Since his shooting we had gone through the motions, but we had not engaged in the passionate lovemaking that we had always enjoyed before that. At first it was due to his lack of strength, and then lately because of my poor sleeping patterns. I didn’t realized how much I’d missed feeling the heat and desire that fiery sex can bring. Diara ran her tongue down my stomach, then pulled my pants down and off. She spread my thighs, then my outer pussy lips, then ran a finger through my slick inner lips. Damn, I was wet and hot! I watched as Diara stuck her finger in her mouth, and smiled happily. “That’s the sweet treat I really want,” she declared, and positioned herself between my legs and proceeded to tongue my juicy honey pot. Sweet begorra that felt good! Even Joe didn’t lick me with such finesse and obvious pleasure. Diara moaned and sighed, while I writhed and whimpered on the ground. Her tongue danced on my clit, which was now hard and swollen. She inserted a strong, warm finger into my hole, then two fingers, then moved them in and out slowly and deliberately, while alternately licking and stroking my clit with her thumb. It didn’t take long for me to reach an electrifying orgasm. My back arched, I cried out loud. Diara watched with pleasure, and when I collapsed back onto the ground, panting, she again bent over my pussy and licked and sucked deeply. “This is the very best sweet thing there is,” she murmured. It was almost too much for my sensitive clit to bear, but I didn’t stop her, she was enjoying it so much. When she was satiated, she reclined next to me, running her fingers through my hair again. I felt a deep bliss and contentment, something I had not experienced for some time. I was perfectly happy to rest there, peacefully, languidly reclining in the moss. I roused myself when Diara began to speak. You can find this free read at Visit Victoria Blisse and the other snoggers at So there I was, all ready to chat in the Coffee Time Romance Lounge this past Tuesday. A few people joined in, but not many. It turns out the guests of honor didn't make it, a possible communication error, so we closed the chat early.
I was surprised how dissapointed I was. I look forward to these virtual chats each week, and even though I don't really know the folks I "talk" to, I pick up little bits of their personality as we message each other. We talk about books, movies, writing, other subjects pertaining to romance, but we also talk about what's going on in our lives, our pets, things we love, etc. It's important to make and keep connections in life. No man is an island, said John Donne. So true! It took several hours to produce this one minute, but I think it's worth it. Windows Movie Maker is actually pretty much fun, and I expect things to go faster now that I have the hang of the program. Watch, enjoy!
Want to know my plans for the upcoming holidays? To try to get by without flipping out or hurting anyone.
Ha-ha! Just kidding. Sort of. Read the whole exciting interview as I talk to Holly Hewson at The Romance Studio. |
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February 2024