My winner is Flossie. Thanks so much, everyone, and I'll see you at the next fun event! First of all, a big thank you to Smile Somebody Loves You for putting on this hop. Don't you feel all warm and cozy when you hear their blog name? I know I do. They put a lot of work into getting this together so let's give them a big *mwah*! Everyone seems to be saying the same thing today. Where the heck did 2013 go? It sure went fast, wherever it went. There was good, there was bad, joyful and sad. I'm happy to welcome in 2014 and per the theme of this hop, I want to share what I'm looking forward to in the New Year. In my writing life, I'd love to see my werewolf series find a home. I plan to finish that and work on several shorter projects also. In my not-so-evil-yet-time-consuming day job, I look forward to continued success and more great clients. In my personal life, I look forward to letting go of negative crap that I feel is blocking good energy. Forgiveness is my goal for the year. How about you? Is there something you look forward to? Share in my comment box or just say Happy New Year, and you'll be entered to win my prize, your choice of one of my back list Ebooks (that's anything except Awaken the Fire), or a bookmark magnet goodie pack filled with delightful handmade items, if you're in the US or Canada. For the super duper grand prize (look at all that fabulous stuff!), follow the Rafflecopter instructions. Then, click on one of the names below the Rafflecopter or visit the SSLY website to find the next wonderful author participating in this hop. Happy New Year to you! Smile Somebody Loves You Tonya Renee Callahan Madison Sevier Tricia Anderson Cate Masters Tabitha Shay Paula Millhouse Hunter S Jones Magella Troche Tory Richards Deena Remiel Evelise Archer Ashley Nemer Roxy Wilson Inner Goddess Forum Literal Hotties TM Williams Jayn Wilde Victoria Pinder Eden Connor Elise VanCise Andrea R Cooper Adriana Kraft Leigh Ellwood Lisa Carlise Andrea Cooper Sherry Gloag Natasza Waters Kathryn Beyerle Lively Sugar and Spice Reviews Jeanine McAdam Morgan Wyatt Naomi Bellina AJ Williams Lyncee Shillard Beth Barany Candy Caine’s Corner Shauna Aura Knight Anne Easley Fiona McGeir Donna Michaels Tiffany Clark Brenda’s Book Beat Reading by the book Tuere’s not so Random Thoughts Flossie Benton Rogers Stephanie Kepke Kaplan Debora Dennis Samantha Holt Heidi Sieverding _____________________________________________________
Extra bonus for you: A fun, steamy excerpt! Esme began to rub Star’s neck, and Star sighed. Esme's strong hands felt good on Star’s tight muscles. Slipping away to la-la land, Star remembered she had a mission and pulled her mind back to the present. “So, tell me about this party. Is everybody I saw at the dinner table a guest? Where do they come from?” “Yes, they’re all guests from our home planet, Kastra. King Gaius likes to have company at his parties so he invites—” Esme suddenly stopped. “I’m not supposed to talk to you. I’m sorry. Here, I forgot to turn on the music. You just listen and relax. I'm going to apply a clay facial mask. We'll let it set while I work on your legs and feet. It will help smooth out those blotches in your complexion.” Esme flipped a switch and a melodic, pleasing tune began to play. Do I have a blotchy complexion? Esme needs to talk to those diplomatic relations people. Star knew she would get nothing more from the young pixie, so she let herself drift off and enjoy the experience. Her mind wandered to picture Adam standing naked near the hot tub. She didn’t want to think about that particular scene, she needed to focus on a way to get out of there. But her brain had ideas of its own, and naked Adam would not disappear. It hardly seemed worth the effort to try to think of something else, and he really did look quite divine, so she let her imagination roam. In her fantasy, she rose from the tub to greet him. She had the body of an Olympic athlete, and hair from a shampoo commercial. Her skin was certainly not blotchy and her teeth were white as pearls. There were no annoying pixies around for miles. They hugged, a firm, loving embrace. Both of their bodies were warm. Adam’s hands travelled down her back and caressed her butt, squeezing her firm cheeks. She explored his body, touching every inch of delicious skin she could reach. His cock grew hard and pressed into her stomach and moisture formed between her legs. She stood on her toes and rubbed her pussy against his cock, eliciting a deep moan from him. Their lips met and Star and Adam kissed, not one of those tender, sweet butterfly kisses that drove her crazy with wanting more. This was a hungry, passionate invasion, both of them tasting each other’s mouth, him biting her lower lip to just this side of pain. The kind of kiss that set her mouth on fire and almost left bruises, the kind Star loved. His hand stroked her breast, cupping and squeezing the firm flesh, and just as he lowered his head to suck her aching nipple, Star felt something cold and wet on her cheek. Is that Adam’s tongue? She jumped. “Sorry to startle you. The clay is a little cool at first, but it will warm up,” Esme said. With a sigh, Star’s allowed her mind to drift back to reality. Damn, it had been a good long time since she’d had a daydream like that. Her pussy was wet and wanting, and raw desire throbbed through her body. Even though she was scared, something about this place had awakened her senses. She actually felt more alive and vibrant than she had in a long time. As annoying as Adam was, a deep desire for him coursed through her. His teasing manner in the hot tub had been for her benefit, she was sure, to help her relax and his words had been sincere—he really did think she had a nice body. She would have smiled with pleasure had her face not been solidified by the clay mask. This sensation was a welcome change of pace from the emptiness that had greeted her each day for the past year, and Adam was certainly a delightful break from the men she knew. He was strong and seemed smart, without being a bore. His sense of humour, well, anyone who could keep his wits about him under these circumstances was extraordinary. She found she looked forward to their next encounter, clothed or not. Out of the Ordinary buy links: Totally Bound Amazon Barnes and Noble All Romance Kobo
Merry Christmas Eve! Here is a fabulous rendition of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen with Annie Lennox. This is a repeat, but I truly do love the video AND I've been super busy with work. The service/retail business gets insane in December and while it's great to see money circulating, it's tiring for many of us. Please be kind to those who are working a lot this season, especially anyone in retail. Seriously. Those poor people have been going nonstop since Thanksgiving. Share a smile and a word of encouragement with them. Better yet, suggest they read a good romance novel when they get home! Remember, my short story, Fire and Magic, is the perfect read to warm your heart and other places this holiday season.
![]() We all love to dream about having our heart's desires fulfilled. I just looked at my lottery ticket and sadly, did not win, so there goes that dream. The good news? I can try again next week. What would I do if I found a magic lamp and a gorgeous, naked man? Much the same as Aimalee, I suspect. Join me in a big welcome for Sabrina York and her book Lust Eternal. If you love fantasies set in magical realms, stories steeped in romance and redemption—and the thought of being trapped in a magic lamp with a hunky hero tickles your fancy, check out Lust Eternal, an erotic fantasy from award winning author, Sabrina York. Lust Eternal Sabrina York For thousands of years, Keeshan has waited. A curse put him in the lamp, damning him to an eternity of pleasing the women who find it. Each time, the women enter the lamp, ensnared in a web of lust and love. And each time, just as he grows to care, the women leave. But Aimalee is different somehow. With her, Keeshan’s desire knows no bounds—he needs to be with her, inside her, every second she’s there, like an addict who just can’t get enough. Eventually she’ll leave just like the others but until then, Keeshan plans to indulge her every sinful urge. And maybe, just maybe, she’s the key to breaking the curse. Inside Scoop: This paranormal romance features a plus-size heroine and a hero who worships her curves. A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave Lust Eternal is available at Ellora’s Cave By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please exit this site. An Excerpt From: LUST ETERNAL Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2013 All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. Aimalee picked up a clipboard and pretended to scan the sheet on top. “I have to get back to work. Did you want anything else?” “There was one other thing. Carter asked if you could, you know, not come tonight.” “Not come tonight?” Aimalee whirled around and gaped at Sorcha. She’d been working on this display for months, utterly devoted to this project for years. She’d been so looking forward to showing off her work, presenting her findings. She’d even bought a new dress for heaven’s sake. That happened, maybe, once a decade or so. “It’s going to be quite a crush. All the big benefactors will be there. And you are…” Sorcha made a scornful little flourish with slender fingers. Her expression said it all--mousy. Aimalee knew it to be true. She knew what she was. But having Sorcha point it out rankled. “This is my display.” “Sure. Do what you need to set it up but then make yourself scarce. Be out of there by seven. ’Kay?” Sorcha pinned on a dazzling smile. “I told him you’d understand.” With that she spun on her Jimmy Choos and waltzed from the room, elegantly swinging between boxes and crates and piles of books, leaving Aimalee sitting at her worktable, reeling with shock and repressed rage. Make yourself scarce. The mandate of her entire existence. The fuck she wasn’t coming tonight. She’d worked far too long, far too hard on her dissertation, on this presentation, to simply fade into the background now when it was all coming to fruition. This was her baby. Oh, she’d be there. Come hell or high water. Without thinking, without redonning her protective gloves—a monumental no-no in the museum world—Aimalee picked up the lamp and a cleaning cloth and began to polish her treasure. A deep sense of satisfaction and pleasure spiked through her, assuaging her annoyance. Okay, so her love life was more than a little disappointing and frustrating. And yes, her professional prospects were limited but at least she loved her work. Really loved her work… She renewed her invigorated scrubbing on that one smudge that just wouldn’t wipe away. Imagine the gall. Asking her to miss the night of her life so Sorcha could stand in the limelight at Carter’s side and reap the rewards. Aimalee rubbed harder and faster, fury rising like a chained beast in her belly. A red tide descended, blurring her vision. Everything beyond the lamp faded. The world beyond her passion, her work, dissolved. She’d had enough of this. Enough hiding her relationship. Enough elicit, hurried trysts. Enough secrets. Enough-- Her movements slowed as a strange sensation crawled down her spine from her neck to her solar plexus. It pooled in her womb. Her fingers and toes began to tingle. Throb. Prickles of excitement and anticipation skittered over her skin. Her body warmed, softened, dampened. Her hand flew to her nape where gentle tendrils caressed her—like a lover’s whisper. The tingling increased and contracted and wafted inward to settle just below her pounding heart. Her essence condensed, coalesced, as light as smoke, wafting and roiling. A strange sense of unreality, of disengagement, overcame her. She closed her eyes and the dizzy sensation increased. She tried to open them again but couldn’t. She twisted, curled, floated in the ether. A great whooshing sensation rocked her consciousness, sucking her into a smaller and smaller space. A dark place. And then an eerie silence, a supreme stillness, descended. * * * * * Slowly, she came to herself. She glanced around in a befuddled daze and stilled. She was no longer in her familiar workroom but in a lavish boudoir, a seraglio swathed in gauzy, flowing drapes. Glowing braziers wreathed in aromatic smoke lit the room with a dim, somnambulant light. The velvet cushions she reclined upon teased her sensitive skin. With a start, she realized she was utterly naked. A shiver coursed through her. What on earth had happened? Where was she? But before she could work it out, a billow of iridescent fog roiled before her. Aimalee stared, transfixed as the cloud slowly coalesced into human form. A man. A very large man. She tipped back her head and their gazes met, clashed. His eyes glowed with a scorching fervor. A bolt of electricity shot through her. His features were stark, a savage beauty etched with a desperate hunger—high, striking cheekbones and wide, sensuous lips. Dark hair curled gently about his face and neck. A sudden desire to comb those silky skeins skittered through her. Aimalee swallowed heavily. Her avaricious attention trailed down across brown shoulders and powerful arms. His chest was bare and broad and ridged. It rippled at the mere touch of her gaze. He stood, legs slightly apart, bunching thighs taut as though he were about to spring forward but was holding himself back with great effort. Strength, power and passion rolled off him in waves. But for metal cuffs about his wrists and neck, he was naked. Oh. And he was aroused. Magnificently and tremendously aroused. The sight of his jutting, throbbing member made her heart clench. A strange heat pooled in her womb when she noticed the pearlescent drop glistening at the tip of his cock. He was, in a word, ready. Then again, so was she. And then he spoke—a deep, mellifluous voice that resonated straight through to her soul. “I’ve been waiting for you, Aimalee,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for you a very long time.” What people are saying about Lust Eternal: “Lust Eternal has everything an erotic romance should have - sexy male, detailed steamy sex scenes and a sweet romance that gives the book heart.”—The Jeep Diva “Engaging, vivid, sweet, and sexy!”—The Book Chick Get it today: AMAZON: ELLORA’S CAVE: About Sabrina York Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion. An award winning author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers, her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to BDSM to erotic horror. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara! CURRENT PROMOS Win Sabrina’s MEGA Romanticon Swag Giveaway (deadline December 30th) Favorite Quote Contest: Win a tiara!! Download my FREE Teaser Book! 75 pages of blurbs, excerpts and reviews for all my hottest books: Newsletter & contest: FOLLOW SABRINA Like my Facebook Author Page Follow me on Twitter @sabrina_york Follow me on Goodreads: Check out my Pintrest boards: Like my Amazon Author Page: Check out my Barnes & Noble Author page: Follow me on Ellora’s Cave: Books by Sabrina York Adam’s Obsession (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Dark Duke (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon Brigand (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon Dark Fancy (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) Dragonfly Kisses: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Extreme Couponing (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Fierce (One Night Stand, Decadence Press) Five Alarm Fire (Erotic Contemporary for the High Octane Heroes Anthology, Cleis Press) Folly (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) Heart of Ash: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Lust Eternal (Erotic Fantasy, Ellora’s Cave) Pushing Her Buttons (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Making Over Maris (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Man Hungry (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Rebound: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary, Available on Amazon) Rebound is now available on Smashwords Rising Green (Erotic Horror, Ellora’s Cave) Saving Charlotte (Erotic Contemporary for the Smokin' Hot Firemen Anthology, Cleis Press) Smoking Holt: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary) Training Tess (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) Trickery (Erotic Contemporary with Magical Elements, Ellora’s Cave Hex Line) Tristan’s Temptation (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) I don't use the F word too often (at least not when I write) but I have tell you, this guy is fan-f***ing-tastic! I had the pleasure of seeing Nicholas Marks perform at Downtown Disney in Orlando Florida. He was outside, playing his guitar in front of a restaurant and I stood and watched him for the longest time. His style is called "Flamenco Pop", and sounds a lot like Ottmar Liebert, another fav of mine. If you've never heard this type of music give it a listen and see if you aren't tapping your feet soon. Or better yet, just get up and dance all over the place! The rhythm is exotic and sensual, so be warned. Horizontal dancing may soon occur. *mmmm*
Here's the You Tube link in case it doesn't show up for you: As we gallop into the holiday season (I'm running like wild horses, how about you?), it's good to take a few minutes and remember our animal friends. The Romance Studio is having a party to support one of their favorite charity groups, The Ian Somherhalder Foundation, and they've invited us to attend. Help spread the word and get a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. What a great idea!
Thanks everyone! ![]() I know it's only Monday, but I'm going on an amusement park adventure and will be gone on Tuesday. Woo-hoo! Let me share a product I found that really works. The Turbie Twist is a small towel to put your hair up when it's wet. I'm not a big fan of blow drying my hair. It's brittle enough and doesn't need any more abuse. During the cooler weather, after my shower at night, my mane is cold and wet. I curl my hair up into the Turbi and not only does it keep it off my neck, it absorbs moisture. The nifty elastic doo-dad on the top holds it in place, unlike a towel that slips. Simple and functional, the way I like things. I bought mine at WalMart, I think, but they are sold in many stores. If you visit them online, hit the mute button to shush that annoying woman who wants to chat with you. Have a great week! |
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February 2024