My winner is Michelle C. Thanks so much for all the great comments and Facebook Likes. You guys rock! Who's going shopping on Black Friday? Not me! No way. This girl is staying out of the traffic and stores. I might, however, be trolling around the Internet for goodies. At home, where it's safe and I can wear my fuzzy socks and pajamas. Enjoy this hop, and I hope you win some goodies just for you, or to share. Leave me a comment below, and be entered to win either an Ebook from my back list (that's everything except Out of the Ordinary), or, for US residents only, a goodie bag with home made one-of-a-kind bookmarks and other hand-crafted items. Give me a Like on Facebook, and your name will be entered twice, so you have a double chance of winning. Click on another name when you're done, and happy hopping! Thank you to our hosts, Book Savvy Babe, The Bawdy Book Blog, and Alive on the Shelves, for putting on this fabulous hop!
11/23/2012 07:22:41 am
I stayed home and away from the malls. Thanks for the chance.
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 07:53:48 am
Good for you, Debby. Be safe and cozy!
11/23/2012 07:42:18 am
I stayed home in an effort to avoid all the craziness. Anything that I absolutely needed I ordered on the computer.
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 07:54:53 am
Isn't online shopping great, Caitlin? I hope the stores do well today, with people who like to get out and shop.
Kamla L
11/23/2012 11:48:57 am
No braving the crowds for me. Much better to stay home and do the
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 12:02:47 pm
Much better idea, Kamla. I hope you win some goodies!
11/23/2012 11:51:19 am
Thanks for a great giveaway. I stayed home and caught up on some reading.
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 12:03:45 pm
Isn't it great to have a little extra time to read? Good plan, Judy.
11/23/2012 12:59:25 pm
Nope, I didn't do the black friday gig. People are crazy and I don't like big crowds. :)
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 02:58:18 pm
'Crazy' and 'big crowds' don't go well together, Michelle. Wise choice.
11/23/2012 01:00:20 pm
I really appreciate you doing this giveaway!
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 02:58:50 pm
Thank you Pam, I appreciate you stopping by.
wanda flanagan
11/23/2012 01:23:36 pm
Great giveaway thank you for the chance to win.Have a fantastic weekend
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 02:59:32 pm
You do the same, Wanda. Thanks for the comment.
kyla whitley
11/23/2012 02:02:14 pm
hi. thank you for sharing in the black friday blog hop! i'm with you. wouldn't be caught dead out in the friday madness! i liked you on facebook and i even tweeted you. :D
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 03:00:28 pm
Thank you so very much, Kyla. You have a fabulous weekend!
11/23/2012 02:26:21 pm
No shopping today...too crazy! I had brunch and gal-gabbing with my best friend today and it was terrific but if I hadn't I'm with you on staying home in my pj's and maybe trolling for cyber sales!
Naomi Bellina
11/23/2012 03:01:24 pm
Sounds like a great day, PC. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend.
Susan W.
11/24/2012 02:17:16 am
We spent Black Friday furniture shopping. Not much of a crowd that way! Thanks for being part of the hop!
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:18:24 am
I love furniture shopping, and you're right, Susan, great way to beat the crowds and get something accomplished.
Crystal Young
11/24/2012 03:34:59 am
I stay home and enjoy the quiet and leftovers, after cooking for two days that's all want to do. Thanks for the giveaway
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:20:06 am
Hopefully, you had someone waiting on you hand and foot, bringing you leftovers, Crystal. Probably not, but it's nice to dream. Good for you for cooking!
11/24/2012 04:20:12 am
I don't do Black Friday -- the week before Thanksgiving usually marks the LAST time I deal with retail until after the New Year! I'm usually at home, curled up with a good book!
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:22:56 am
The best place to be, BookAttict. I hope you have a cat or dog, and a fuzzy blanket to make the experience perfect.
Renee B
11/24/2012 05:41:01 am
The BEST way to spend Black Friday is sitting at home, hopping with old friends and making new ones. I can't handle the crowds anymore so I only do Black Friday shopping online if I do any. I tend to pick up gifts throughout the year so come November I'm finished. That way I can spread out the purchasing and not spend a fortune at the time of the year when my job is at its slowest and my paycheck is at its lowest. All I have to do now is remember where I hid all the stuff I got. :) Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
Renee B
11/24/2012 05:42:12 am
Forgot to say I liked you on Facebook: Renee Bennett :)
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:25:22 am
You're a smart shopper, Renee. I'm jealous, you're already done! Yeah, it hurts having a big wad of money go out at once. You get the Planning Princess award for the year.
11/24/2012 07:08:07 am
I have the same black friday attitude! I can get lots of deals online at home, where I am comfy and warm and have no risk of injury, other than from my usual clumsiness lol.
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:26:59 am
Wow, lots of us staying home this year. That's okay, online shopping helps the economy too, Kate. I'm going to do a little local shopping next week, when the crowds are gone.
11/24/2012 07:23:06 am
I hate crowds so I will be staying in and doing all my shopping online! Thanks for the Hop!
Naomi Bellina
11/24/2012 08:28:20 am
Yay, another online shopper. You go, April!
Lona Stringer
11/24/2012 12:14:33 pm
I shop from home, I cant stand the rude people or the lines. Thx for the hop stop.
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:24:44 am
Not everyone gets in the holiday spirit, Lona, and you're right, there are some really rude folks other there. Enjoy your home shopping.
Julie Kornhausl
11/24/2012 12:20:51 pm
I never go out on Black Friday. There are some really crazy shoppers out there. I'm very happy staying at home with my children.! Thank for the great giveaway. This has been a great blog hop!
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:28:03 am
Staying in with the kiddos is fun, Julie, good for you!
Cindy Barton
11/24/2012 01:09:29 pm
I stay home and hibernate on Black Friday, too many people and too much traffic. Hope all had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Thank you for being a part of the hop.
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:29:01 am
Hibernation... I like the sound of that, Cindy. It's not just for bears.
Cindi Decker
11/24/2012 01:35:48 pm
I stayed far away from any stores on Black Friday. Crowds and I do not mix well. Stayed home and ate leftovers! This is a fun hop!
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:30:19 am
Yummm! Leftovers! Good plan, Cindi.
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:31:30 am
I'm glad someone likes to shop. Good for you, Arely! And you got to read too. What a great weekend.
Katie Amanda
11/24/2012 02:35:22 pm
I went out for 2 hours, but didn't buy much. I can home and shopped online- much better! Thanks!
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:34:30 am
Hope you at least had fun window shopping, Katie. Cyber shopping is great too.
11/24/2012 02:35:45 pm
I got some shopping in!
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:35:09 am
Any shopping is good shopping, Natasha!
11/25/2012 01:52:48 am
Unfortunately, this Holiday is not celebrated in my country, Azerbaijan.
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 04:35:59 am
Lots of good deals out there, Adila. Come celebrate with us anyway!
June M.
11/25/2012 04:55:24 am
Thanks so much for another great giveaway.
June M.
11/25/2012 04:57:05 am
Oh, I stay away from any Black Friday sales. I shudder at the thought of the crowds (they give me panic attacks bad)
Naomi Bellina
11/25/2012 10:15:28 am
Internet shopping was designed for folks like you, June. Stay home in the safe and cozy house!
11/25/2012 06:02:28 am
I was suprised how many online deals I found on Black Friday instead of CyberMonday! I NEVER shop outside the house on Black Friday! This Friday we did go to to a movie: Skyfall was GREAT!
11/25/2012 09:01:13 am
I love Black Friday shopping. It's the ultimate retail therapy!
11/25/2012 10:20:42 am
i hide in my bedroom. lol. i am claustrophobic so crowds are a no no.
11/25/2012 10:37:23 am
I tried to go out shopping this year and it really wasn't all that bad, I did get some good deals and it was a fun outing with my family :). Normally I stay in, but right now I am in a smaller town so I thought the crowds wouldn't be as bad, and they really weren't.
11/25/2012 03:17:22 pm
No Black Friday for me. Nothing is worth that craziness. Unless they're giving away free big-screen TV's ;)
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