I love to eavesdrop when men are talking, and since I began writing, I have a great excuse. I mean reason. A great reason to be nosy. I mean observant. I'm observant. I have to pay attention to how the males of our species talk to each other, and it's better when they don't know anyone is listening to them. And more fun. Men and women don't talk the same way. Vive la difference! Men use more abrupt, choppy language and curse more, or at least the men in my books do. Something else I've noticed, men tend to sound angry, and often, we think they're mad at us, but that's not true. They're mad at themselves, a situation, or using mad to cover another emotion, like fear or sorrow. When I write as a guy, I can explore that anger, and let readers know the underlying emotion sparking it. I can also show what the hero's thinking and feeling about a woman in the book and describe her in more detail, something hard to do if writing from the female POV only. Writing as a man makes me step into his shoes and sometimes, I'm surprised what I find. A good thing, right? Join me and over thirty other romantic suspense authors in a giganto book giveaway contest right here: https://authorsxp.com/giveaway The winner of my name-the-drummer-doorbell contest was Lori R. and the song I chose for the doorbell is the theme to Hawaii Five-O. If you've never heard it, visit YouTube, fire it up, and shake your booty. You'll warm up ten degrees, guaranteed!
1/18/2017 09:45:58 am
Several of my novels have male protagonists or have scenes from a man's POV--what helped me understand how their minds work is MEN ARE FROM MARS--so fundamental, yet all true. Common sense stuff we know on some level, but a refresher always helps when embarking on a book from a man's POV.
Naomi Bellina
1/18/2017 10:38:49 am
I've read one of those books and found it helpful also. John Gray writes in an easy to understand style, but packs in a lot of useful information.
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