![]() My winner for this event is Rennee B. Thanks, everyone, for the great comments. See you at the next event! Most of us have both a naughty and a nice side. Sometimes, more one than the other. In my stories, the characters are often nice, but almost always at least a little naughty. That's what makes life fun! What you can win: Your choice of one of my Ebooks Number of winners: One Open to anyone who can view a PDF or US Amazon Kindle How to enter: How about you? Tell me about a time you were either extra naughty or extra nice, and enter to win. Leave your comment below, then hop over to another name on the list, and enter to win more prizes. The Naughty or Nice Giveaway Hop was organized by Nat Reading Romances
9/22/2012 02:12:21 am
the time i was extra nice was when i was working in a pet store and a woman came in who was in a wheel chair and i help her get all that she needed so she didn't have to struggle getting all her purchases
Naomi Bellina
9/22/2012 02:31:01 am
Awwww, that is extra nice, Parisfan. I'm sure it was much appreciated.
wanda flanagan
9/22/2012 10:15:45 am
I offer to help all my customers carry their belongings out to their cars if they have alot of stuff.One of my customers has a hard time getting around so whenever she comes to drop off her pup for daycare or pick him up I always run outside and carry him in and out myself so she doesnt have to get out of her car.
Naomi Bellina
9/22/2012 03:34:51 pm
A daycare for pups? You're already a saint, Ms. Flangan. Well done!
Donna S
9/22/2012 12:21:35 pm
I definitely like reading naughty…so much more fun!!!
Naomi Bellina
9/22/2012 03:36:05 pm
Keep reading naughty, Donna. You're right, so much fun!
9/22/2012 05:06:54 pm
I gave a ride to an elderly neighbor in his 80's to his home from the grocery store. (I didn't know him personally but had heard from other neighbors that he'd been mugged once on one of his weekly grocery trips--he walked almost a mile).
Naomi Bellina
9/23/2012 07:48:54 am
Yikes! It would be terrible to not be able to get your groceries in safety. You're a sweetie pie, PC.
9/23/2012 06:32:00 am
Walked an elderly neighbor's dog for her while she was in the hospital for a few days.
Naomi Bellina
9/23/2012 07:49:46 am
Now you have good human and good dog karma. Way to go, Jean!
9/23/2012 08:20:22 am
I'm always nice until it's time to be naughty -- then I "do" naughty VERY well!
Naomi Bellina
9/23/2012 08:59:12 am
Which is, of course, the only way to do naughty, VERY well. Rock on, BookAttict!
9/23/2012 01:00:26 pm
I'm sure that I have been naughty on more than 1 occasion. It seems that in high school and college, I tossed boys (and men) aside very casually. I admit to having behaved very badly...
Naomi Bellina
9/23/2012 02:00:35 pm
Hey, we were all pretty bad in high school and college. Treat your honey well now, Catherine, and it will even out in the end.
Andie Wardlow
9/23/2012 01:05:36 pm
I'm a server and i have a couple that comes in and everytime the wife will rush in and leave her husband who uses a walker to struggle in alone. So I always make a point to run right past her sitting in my station to go open the door for him.
Naomi Bellina
9/23/2012 02:07:25 pm
See? A naughty person and a nice person. It balances out. Good for you, Andie, for being the nice one on this occasion.
Cassandra Hicks
9/23/2012 05:36:56 pm
I live with my great grandmother who has always been there for me and done everything for me so I try to do special things for her. Like making a homemade cake, getting her a present, or even making her a card and writing a poem to let her know what she means to me :)
Naomi Bellina
9/24/2012 02:42:46 am
I want to come hang out with you, Cassandra. That's so sweet! I'm sure she appreciates you ooodles.
Ashley Applebee
9/24/2012 03:36:44 pm
I was extra nice when I helped my friend's little boy carve his pumpkin. He was 2 and wanted to use the knife himself so I let him hold the handle and kept him from cutting his fingers off!
Naomi Bellina
9/24/2012 05:43:11 pm
He will thank you later, Ashley, when he finds out how much he needs those fingers. Pumpkin carving is such fun, nice of you to share with him.
9/24/2012 05:36:57 pm
Last week when we were driving, I unzipped my husband's pants and gave him a good blow job. :)
Naomi Bellina
9/24/2012 05:44:33 pm
Lucky husband! That's a great naughty, Fuzzzeeefaces, keep up the good work.
sue leech
9/25/2012 05:42:15 am
well..I invited my hubby to join me in the shower the other night and it took longer to get my shower done. This is naughty as I am going to get since we are been retired. ha ha Nice me..all the time. It takes less muscles to smile then it does to frown. [email protected]
Naomi Bellina
9/25/2012 06:51:59 am
Shower naughty is extra good, Sue. You guys sound like a lot fun!
9/25/2012 07:27:52 am
We were visiting a tourist attraction, and hubby and I ditched his daughters for a walk in the nearby forest... And one thing led to another... And it was ages before we got back to them !
Naomi Bellina
9/25/2012 08:55:07 am
Ooooo, naughty in the woods. That's lovely, L! Bet you were the most blissful two at the attraction.
Seyma Shabbir
9/26/2012 08:56:39 am
Extra nice, we donated items for a family who lost stuff from a fire and we all bought clothes for family and I chipped in a $100 gc to TJ Maxx that I got from a baby shower.
Naomi Bellina
10/2/2012 05:32:19 am
I'm really late with this comment, but I think that's a great thing you did, Seyma!
9/28/2012 07:20:23 pm
I like both! But i am more drawn to the naughty side. The books are so much more delicious! haha I try to help anyone that needs help. Hold open doors, carry things, etc. I once spent my work brake helping an elderly couple help there mom into the car. She was frail and could reall move. The family was struggling and couldnt get her in. I helped them. They were so sweet and nice. Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaway! This is so much fun! Thank you!
Naomi Bellina
9/29/2012 09:41:07 am
Hello Shadow! Naughty is delicious, but you sound pretty darn nice.
9/29/2012 12:13:49 pm
When I hold the door open for the people behind me.
Naomi Bellina
9/29/2012 02:46:56 pm
I love when someone holds the door for me. Nice move, BN.
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