I have a love/hate relationship with marketing and social media. I love to play around with my friends, read funny stuff, look at animal pics, share stories, and stay in touch with what's going on in the world. I hate yelling about my books, promoting myself to people that could care less, and being a spammy nuisance. That's why I resisted Triberr and Hootsuite for so long. That and the possibility I would lose my mind if I had to learn more computer tricks.
Turns out, Triberr is pretty fun and once I got past the learning curve, is actually simple to use. I just made sure not to join any tribes that require more sharing than I'm willing to do, and I try to post at least five days a week. I resisted using a Tweet scheduler for several reasons, the most important being the whole "too much" issue. I recently heard that we're now being blasted with more information in one day than we used to get in a whole year. No wonder everyone is half crazy! Another reason, I don't want to be that jerk with posts going out while a disaster strikes our world. Remember the Boston Marathon? Who had pre-set Tweets and Facebook posts popping up? Hopefully, if you're like me, you cut everyone a little slack and realized people weren't being insensitive, just not able to stop their posts. Being the progressive woman I am, I decided to take a peek at Hootsuite as part of my spring cleaning and renewal project. Hootsuite encourages us to "Get serious about social." Okay then. I set up my account, simple. Barely read through instructions, as usual. Went to post and expected mayhem. Nope, it worked great. Easy peasy. Now I can schedule posts throughout the day so I don't bombard my followers all at once. On a side note, here is a great post by Nicholas C. Rossis, encouraging authors to share their marketing experience. Visit and leave your advertising results, if you can. I'm terribly curious to see the end numbers. http://nicholasrossis.me/2015/03/02/help-me-chart-these-waters-send-me-your-ad-results/ Awesome Spam picture by Neil Motteram http://bit.ly/1B5GLHw
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February 2024