The grand prize winner is Tracy Manderson. Congrats to you, Tracy, and thanks so much to everyone for all the great comments. I loved reading them, and I hope we all get to spend the holidays in our favorite places.
How would you like to win a bodacious bunch of Ebooks? Join me and eleven other authors for The 12 Books for Christmas Giveaway. All you have to do to participate is leave an answer to each author's holiday question, and you will be entered to win the grand prize of twelve Ebooks and a Swiss Colony box of goodies. Visit all the blogs below, and leave your response in the comment boxes, along with your email address. The winner will be announced on December 24th. You have to leave comments on all 12 blogs to be entered into the grand prize drawing. My question is, where would you most like to spend your holiday? It can be Christmas, New Year, Solstice, whatever you celebrate. Me? Since I live in the sub-tropics, warm weather doesn't tickle my fancy this time of year, so I would love to be sitting in a hot tub with my honey, snowflakes melting a few inches above our heads, and looking out at a mountain view. I'd like a bottle of mulled wine and a hot fire waiting for me inside our cozy cabin, a funny movie to watch, and a few days just to take it easy. Ahhhh! Here are the 12 author blog links: Tory Richards Cris Anson Fiona McGier Sandra Sookoo Naomi Bellina Vonnie Davis Lily Harlem Karen Stivali Lynne Marshall Cynthia Arsuga Taryn Elliot Karenna Colcroft
12/16/2012 11:45:25 pm
Well i spend most of them at home with my Husband and 2 kids :) But every once and awhile we will spend it with my inlaws :)
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 02:40:07 am
Family is great to have around for the holiday, Loretta. Enjoy!
12/17/2012 12:39:42 am
I would love to spend a Christmas up north one year. I'm from Maine but haven't seen a white Christmas in many years. The thought of cuddling with someone in front of a crackling fire and sipping warm cider....well, gee, I think I just came up with a new idea for a short romance! LOL
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 02:41:16 am
I miss a white Christmas too, Tory. We'll just have to go there in our imagination.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 02:42:16 am
That's great, Carin! What a nice Christmas gift for you.
12/17/2012 01:09:56 am
I will be spending Christmas and my mom's birthday, at home with the parents, my grandma, and twin sister. I'm lucky we all live in the same state.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 02:43:18 am
Sounds like a beautiful holiday. You ARE lucky, Debra.
12/17/2012 01:18:20 am
I love to spend the holidays where ever my family is. I live in PA, so I love a white Christmas, but it has been awhile! [email protected]
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 02:44:51 am
I love your thought, where ever the family is. So true, Michelle!
Rhonda D
12/17/2012 01:54:19 am
I would love to spend Christmas where I am with my family and friends. My nephew is getting back from Basic Training this Friday. I can't wait to spend some time with him. :)
12/17/2012 02:59:32 am
I would most like to spend Christmas with my dad's family back in Michigan, but that's not going to happen, so I'm making do this year with spending the day with my oldest brother & his family in Nebraska.
carolyn overholser
12/17/2012 01:51:09 pm
Where's your family? Maybe I'll go see them for you to get away from my own for I live in Southern Central Michigan
Naomi Bellina
12/19/2012 03:39:03 pm
Now there's an idea, we can all visit someone's family near to us.
Desere Steenberg
12/17/2012 03:07:05 am
I would adore to spend my holiday anywhere there is lots of snow,as there is none where in my part of the world. I would love a white Christmas and if I could be stranded with loads of books even better!Thanks for the great contest!
charlotte mcfall
12/17/2012 03:16:49 am
I would love to spend Christmas in Florida, my family and I have been there for halloween three times but never for any other holidays x
Karen H in NC
12/17/2012 03:29:29 am
I was born and raised in MI. Since I retired, I now live in NC and I do so for a reason. I hate snow and I hate cold weather. My children still live there, so I drive up sometime in December to celebrate Christmas with them. When we celebrate depends on my son's work schedule and needs to revolve around my daughter's days off since she's providing the house, Christmas tree and food! She's a sweetheart and a wonderful, gourmet cook.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:52:40 am
Sounds like you've got it made, Karen. You get to visit the cold spot, then return to your lovely home. Oh, and you get to enjoy gourmet cooking. Have a great holiday!
sue brandes
12/17/2012 03:34:04 am
I would love to spend Christmas at Disney World. Would be magical. Thanks for the giveaway.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:53:46 am
Your inner child wants to come and play, Sue. Christmas at Disney would be awesome! Fabulous idea.
tracy manderson
12/17/2012 04:02:48 am
I would love to spend the holidays with my family on a cruise.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 10:59:38 am
Mmmmm, cruise. I can hear the waves now, Tracy. That does sound like a good time.
12/17/2012 04:49:43 am
What little family is still around are across the country. We'll spend the day with old friends, which is the next best thing to family...
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:01:09 am
Great attitude, Suzy! It's not always possible to be with family, so enjoy those friends.
It's been more than 2 decades since I got to spend a Christmas with my family because I live too far away and can't ever afford tickets for the my spouse, kids, and I or the family to come here. If I could be anywhere though, I would really love to be with them for one. Just thinking about it's kind of depressing me now. :( At least we always do a big call where the phone gets passed around so I can talk to everyone.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:04:10 am
Awww, it's tough to be away from part of the family at the holidays. I'm the same way, Rhianna, I love my little family here, but miss the others far away. We always pass the phone too, and this year I might try to Skype, if my brother and I can get our computers to talk to each other.
Christine Moore
12/17/2012 05:44:05 am
I would and do spend Christmas at home with my family together. I know someday my girls will marry and spend Christmas with their husband so every Christmas is very special to us and we will cherish each and everyone of them.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:05:12 am
That's beautiful, Christine. Enjoy your holidays!
12/17/2012 06:09:04 am
Would love to spend Christmas out west, where there is some snow, haven't had snow for a number of winters now and I miss it.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:08:56 am
That's where I want to be too, Jean. Snow and the mountains; sounds great!
12/17/2012 07:17:12 am
where doesn't really matter to me as long as you're with family and friends!
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:09:37 am
You bet, Cat. Very nicely said.
12/17/2012 10:04:32 am
Thanks so much for participating in this giveaway. This was a fun hop and I was able to comment on everyone's links without any trouble. :)
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 11:13:13 am
A big round of applause to Tory Richards for making this one of the best hops I've participated in. Glad you found it easy to negotiate. Yep, I'm with you on that snow and cold, at least for a few days. Come join me and my honey at our virtual cabin!
Elizabeth Gray
12/17/2012 11:23:47 am
I would love to have my family at a log cabin in the woods, with all the current amenities of home. With a hot tub in the back where those who wanted to relax could. But, the main reason would be to just have the entire family together for another time.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:07:11 pm
Sounds great, Elizabeth. I hope Santa brings you your wish.
12/17/2012 11:43:17 am
at a resort in the moountains with all my family around. Lots of snow and with a great hot tub, plenty to eat, and days to enjoy it.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:08:47 pm
You will need days to enjoy all that fun! Nice idea, Pam!
12/17/2012 12:38:03 pm
I'd like to spend any holiday in a cottage some place in a small town.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:09:43 pm
That sounds wonderful and cozy. Good plan, Leni.
Renee B
12/17/2012 12:41:32 pm
I live in Southern California, so I'm with you about somewhere warm at Christmas. I would like to spend it at a mountain cabin in the snow with just me and my husband. Have a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win. <^_^>
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:10:55 pm
Mmmm, romance is in the air! I hope you get your wish, Renee.
12/17/2012 01:11:02 pm
I would to go visit my brother and sister-in-law with my husband and daughter. They always come here and one day I would like to go to their home.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:12:19 pm
Yes, it's nice to have a change of pace now and then for the holidays, Laura.
12/17/2012 01:25:33 pm
wherever my family is thats where I wanna be for Christmas. Although I would like to experience a tropical Christmas sometime. LOL!
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:13:15 pm
Well, you'll just have to take the family with you to the tropics, Sherry!
Belinda G
12/17/2012 01:49:11 pm
You asked where would you most like to spend your holiday?
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:14:39 pm
Awww, that's so sweet, Belinda. I know you are going to have a great Christmas!
carolyn overholser
12/17/2012 01:59:00 pm
I would love to go somewhere secluded. I have been around too many people at my job. This is the busiest time of the year for us. I have been working to make it fun and not stressful for my customer's but it wearing on me. My family(parents, in-laws and neice) all drive me batty, so spending time with them is a drag. I think I'd like to go visit my cousin in her new home in Georgia, just the 2 of us, but she has a new boyfriend and will probably spend it with him if he can get down there.
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:17:09 pm
Oh yeah, I know about being busy this time of year! Sounds like you do need a quiet, stress-free holiday, Carolyn. I hope Santa grants your wish, and you have the perfect Christmas.
Tammy Sommervold
12/17/2012 02:08:44 pm
Hawaii, on a beach!
Naomi Bellina
12/17/2012 03:18:41 pm
Sounds like you have a plan, Tammy! I'll bet that is a lovely place to be, and I hope you get there.
Teryn Zech
12/17/2012 04:38:58 pm
I would love to be able to spend Christmas in England. I have always seen amazing pictures of the English country side during the holidays and it looks so beautiful and the complete opposite of Texas.
Naomi Bellina
12/18/2012 02:41:00 am
That sounds fabulous to me too, Teryn. I'll bet someone from England would love to be in Texas right now. We should all get to swap homes for a holiday one year.
Sherry S.
12/18/2012 03:53:29 am
I want to be wherever the rest of my family is. I can't imagine a Christmas without all of my brothers and sisters.
Naomi Bellina
12/18/2012 01:01:29 pm
So nice that you get along with your siblings, Sherry. You already have the best gift of all.
Meg W
12/18/2012 08:56:14 am
Growing up my family would almost always go to Texas to spend it with my mom's side. There was just something about all of us kids piling into one room on cots and sleeping bags and waking the rest of house up early Christmas morning. If I could have that feeling again, that would be the perfect way to spend the holidays.
Naomi Bellina
12/18/2012 01:03:04 pm
You got that right, Meg. It would be lovely to feel like a kid again. Beautiful memory, thanks for sharing.
12/18/2012 03:19:42 pm
I will be at home in WV for our first one here in over 13 years. But I would love to spend a Christmas in Scotland.
Naomi Bellina
12/18/2012 03:32:07 pm
Ohhh, Christmas in Scotland sounds wonderful. Great idea, Z.
Angie Adair
12/18/2012 04:50:01 pm
At my mothers with my other siblings and all of our families. We are lucky to live close together.
Naomi Bellina
12/19/2012 01:27:19 am
You are lucky, Angie. It's hard to be away from the family at Christmas. Wrap yourself in hugs!
We always choose to stay at home on Christmas day...and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. The entire family gets up, opens gifts, and then we stay in our jammies all day to just play with our new toys and eat...and of course, mom and dad usually nap. :-)
Naomi Bellina
12/19/2012 01:41:01 pm
What a great way to spend the day! Enjoy your Christmas, A J.
12/19/2012 04:47:49 pm
That's easy. Back home with my family and friends. Since moving away from them seven years ago the holiday's are the toughest. From Thanksgiving to New Years it is very hard for me. My husband and kids try to go back whenever we can.
Naomi Bellina
12/20/2012 03:20:48 am
It sure is hard being away from half your family, Tori. I'm hearing that from a lot of folks. It would be wonderful to have everyone we love in one place, but life doesn't always work that way. Enjoy the holidays the best you can!
Shannon Bereza
12/20/2012 02:02:41 pm
This will be the first Christmas where I am going to be spending it right where I want to be. My husband is a professional firefighter and usually ends up working. We have 5 kids and he has never spent Xmas morning with our twin 3 year olds until this Xmas. I'm so excited. Plus I always hope for a white Christmas since I live in the Midwest. We are in the middle of a blizzard so it will definitely be a white Xmas. Now as for the day after Xmas I would be happy to be on a beach somewhere laying out in the sun and playing in the ocean.
Naomi Bellina
12/20/2012 03:19:28 pm
Oh yeah, that's the way to do it. Snow for Christmas, then off to the tropics. So glad you all get to spend the day together, Shannon. Enjoy!
12/20/2012 02:10:48 pm
I wouldn't spend Christmas anywhere else but here, in my hometown, Montreal! It would not be the same without the snow! Happy Holidays Everyone!!
Naomi Bellina
12/20/2012 03:20:14 pm
There's no place like home, Johanne. Have a wonderful holiday!
Allyson Brann
12/20/2012 04:14:54 pm
I love spending time with family but if we were on beach with drinks with umbrellas in the sun...well just saying:)
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 12:58:55 pm
Sounds like the place to be, Allyson. Bring the family along...there's plenty of beach and drinks for all!
12/20/2012 05:03:09 pm
I'm happy celebrating just about anywhere as long as it's with my family and friends :) We've mostly tended to be celebrate-at-home people, but I can also see the appeal of a get-away kind of holiday :) Maybe one of these years...
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 01:01:16 pm
Home is a great place to be, F Chen. Remember Dorothy, in Wizard of Oz? Maybe you and the whole family can have a get-away one year.
12/21/2012 05:10:56 am
I would love to spend the holidays in Hawaii one year.
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 01:03:19 pm
A Hawaiian holiday sounds great, Sheri. Sun, ocean, a luau or two, bare-chested fire dancers, oh yeah!
12/21/2012 12:01:18 pm
I would love to be in Sydney, Australia. I'd love to have a warm Christmas as opposed to freezing like I am now. I'd love to see the different way they celebrate too.
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 01:04:54 pm
Some of my writing friends live in Australia and have been posting pictures. It's very different, Joder. Santa is on a jet ski! What fun it would be to travel to other countries and see how they celebrate.
kimberly holgate
12/21/2012 12:28:05 pm
i would like to see the ball drop in New York City
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 01:06:28 pm
I was just talking about that with someone today, Kimberly. You are a brave, adventurous soul. It looks colder than sh*t there! I suppose it's loads of fun though, because lots of people turn out.
April Holgate
12/21/2012 02:19:40 pm
Kim you would hate it! I told you how it was when I worked in NYC at the theatres! Absolute madness!
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 02:59:14 pm
I'll bet it was crazy, April. Maybe something we should all do once in our lives.
April Holgate
12/21/2012 02:08:20 pm
I want to be in a nice warm tropical local with sun sand and a nice hammock to cuddle in with a good book! And an open bar with a hot cabana boy delivering my drinks!
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 03:00:47 pm
Hammock...cabana boy...sorry, for a minute there I got lost in my daydream. Nice idea, April!
12/21/2012 02:26:36 pm
Just for one Christmas, I'd love to go to Disney in Florida for Christmas. To be part of all that fun, I'd love to see all the Christmas decorations all over the place. We got some snow today and it was very, very windy, temperature about 25 or colder when the wind blew. So yeah, definitely Florida where it's warm.
Naomi Bellina
12/21/2012 03:06:56 pm
Okay, Julianne, I'm going to make you so jealous and tell you I went there two years ago for Christmas. There was this insane light display by the Osbourne family (not Ozzy's), decorations everywhere, and the weather was perfect. Bad side, there were TONS of people, and the sensory input was overwhelming after awhile. I went to catch snowflakes on my tongue, and they were made out of soap. Kind of fake, like everything else at the big D. Mega expensive, too. Fun, but kind of weird. Another event everyone should experience once.
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