Thanks to everyone for participating, and for leaving such fantastic comments. It's great to be reminded of all the fictitious heroes we have to enjoy. My winner is Vitajex. The grand prize winners are Michele Ann Oboyle, Daphne Deaton and Jan D. Congratulations! Here we go, another fun-filled blog hop with Fated Desires Publishing and Hearthrob Haven (love that name). Boy, do they have some great prizes lined up for readers who comment on the blogs! 1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet 2nd Grand Prize: A $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card 3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack In addition, the authors you visit will also be offering prizes, and fun glimpes of those heroes we love so well. Remember, when you leave a comment on any website, Make sure to comment with your email address to be eligible for the grand prizes. Here's my contest: Name a favorite hero from a movie or TV show. Do you love him (or her) because they're smart, funny, sexy, strong? My prize will be an Amazon gift certificate and the winner's choice of an ebook from my backlist (that's anything except Creatures of the Night), so take a peek at my Book List page to see which one you'd like. Leave your comment, then click on the picture above or the link below to hop on over to another author. Good luck, and happy hopping! Enjoy this short excerpt from Creatures of the Night. Kyle is a real hero, so cool in this scene! He has to convince the evil Joe Sandori to leave his house, so Maya and Sasha can sneak out. Kyle felt a drop of sweat on his brow. He wiped it away and turned up the air conditioner in the car. He could not appear nervous. He had to be confident and in control. How hard could this be? He would be talking to a bunch of hired thugs and then another thug who couldn’t be any smarter than the many clients he had dealt with in his previous life, as he now considered his days in the city. This time, there was more at stake. Possibly two people’s lives depended on him pulling off his role as a hot-shot lawyer. I am a hot-shot lawyer. He relaxed a little with a grin. He thought about the many times he had assumed that persona and remembered how well that role worked. So many people loved to be around a self-assured, even arrogant man, assuming, because he had such confidence in himself, they should too. Today would be the ultimate test of that character. Pulling up to the gate, Kyle prepared for the guard at the entrance. He rolled down his window and handed him a business card. “I have an appointment with Mr. Sandori,” he informed the security man. “I don’t have any appointments on my list,” the guard told Kyle. “Mr. Sandori don’t see visitors this early in the morning.” “I assure you, he will want to see me. Unless he wants to forfeit his portion of the inheritance, I suggest you let me in,” Kyle said. The guard scratched his head, checked out Kyle’s Ferrari, then picked up the phone and made a call. “All right, you can come in. Stop the car inside. I got to search you and check the car for explosives.” Kyle drove through the gate and got out of the car, while the man ran a device around the vehicle, looked in the trunk, then patted him down. He hoped his pounding heart didn’t give him away. “Nice wheels,” the guard said. “Go to the front door, Mac will meet you there.” So far so good. Another guard greeted Kyle as he pulled around the circular driveway and stopped in front of the house. “Nice car,” he said, while Kyle stepped out. “What kind of business you got with Mr. Sandori? He didn’t tell me he was expecting anyone.” Kyle handed Mac another card. Thank goodness he saved some of the richly embossed company cards. “Kyle Stepington with Hornsby, Goldstein and Feldermac. I’m here to see Joe Sandori regarding an inheritance matter. My office was to have called him yesterday, but apparently they didn’t,” Kyle said, pulling up his jacket sleeve to flash an impressive Rolex. “Time is of the essence. Would you please inform your employer we need to be at the office in one hour?” Kyle said. Mac looked uncertain. “Mr. Sandori don’t like to be woke up this early,” he said. “I can assure you, he’ll be more than happy to wake up for this. Get him, please,” Kyle said, with a touch of impatience and all the authority he could muster. “Wait here.” Mac turned and went inside. Kyle looked around the grounds, wishing he could be sure Maya was safe inside. It didn’t appear he was going to be invited into the impressive house, and even if he were, he doubted he would see her. The plan called for her to stay hidden until Joe left the house. A few moments later, a scowling man appeared still in his pajamas and robe. “What the hell is going on?” he asked Kyle, as he trudged down the front steps. “Who the fuck are you?” Kyle extended his hand, though he wanted to haul back and punch this repulsive man. “My name is Kyle Stepington and I represent Hornsby, Goldstein and Feldermac. I don’t mean to rush you, but we really need to get going. Apparently, my office did not contact you yesterday, so I’ll try to make this brief. Willard Stevens recently passed on, and you are named a beneficiary in his will. He stipulated that all beneficiaries must be present when the will is read, or they will be disinherited. Mr. Stevens exhibited a bit of…eccentric behavior in his later years, as I’m sure you well know.” Joe nodded slowly. “Yeah, he always was kind of nuts, wasn’t he?” Kyle smiled and made a show of checking his watch again. Joe stared at the Rolex, then the Ferrari. Kyle could almost see the dollar signs flashing in his eyes. “I do apologize for this late notice, but the will is due to be read in less than an hour. We really must go. If you’ll follow me, it should only take us half an hour to arrive. I assume you want to change your clothes and…freshen up a bit?” “Yeah, yeah, give me ten minutes; I’ll be good to go. Say, you wouldn’t happen to know how much my cut of the inheritance is, would you?” Joe asked. “No, sir, I really couldn’t say, but I do know Mr. Stevens had a large number of properties and holdings. Most of his family has also passed, leaving only you and a few other trusted friends to inherit.” “Good old Willard!” Joe said, slapping Kyle on the shoulder. “You hold tight, I’ll be down in ten minutes. Mac! Bring a car around. I’m going out.” Click to set custom HTML
Naomi Bellina
7/27/2012 12:12:15 pm
Oooo, Duncan McLeod *shiver*. He is truly a classic hero, for all the reasons you mentioned. You have good taste, Kitty.
7/27/2012 08:35:48 am
I'm showing my age here, but my favorite hero is Edward Lewis from Pretty Woman. He was powerful and strong, but ended up caring so much!
Naomi Bellina
7/27/2012 12:13:33 pm
He certainly was an unusual candidate for a hero, but ended up being so perfect. Good choice, JLH.
laurie goudge
7/27/2012 08:56:37 am
my favorite hero is Spartacus from Spartacus: blood and sand. he is brave and fights for the woman he loves and never gives up
Naomi Bellina
7/27/2012 12:14:56 pm
Blood and Sand was a great series, and Spartacus was awesome! He was a true fighter and a lover. Nice pick, Laurie.
7/27/2012 01:29:33 pm
I kind of have a weakness for Elliott from LEVERAGE...ass-kicking yet vulnerable, protective, good with kids, funny, and a secret foodie. (And, as last week's episode proved, good at hockey!)
Naomi Bellina
7/27/2012 02:02:28 pm
I haven't seen that show, Trix. Elliott sounds like a great hero. Foodies make wonderful partners!
Tracy L.
7/27/2012 01:51:01 pm
Hmmmm, I have a lot of favorite heroes, but for right now, I'm going to go with Bruce Wayne (the Christian Bale one). Why? Because he's Batman. 'Nuff said. ;-)
Tracy L.
7/27/2012 01:53:44 pm
Forgot my email address....
Naomi Bellina
7/27/2012 02:06:41 pm
Batman rocks! You gotta love a hero that does all his own action, with no super powers. Good choice, Tracy.
movie hero - Antonio Banderas in the Zorro series of films .. he's so 'offhand' about his sexy it's really cute
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 01:03:29 am
That's a great description of Antonio Banderas, Gaele,offhand about his sexy. He's really cool as the voice of Puss in Boots.
Molly Frenzel
7/27/2012 05:26:18 pm
My favorite TV hero is Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I LOVE a tortured, sexy hero and Dean is definitely all of that.
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 01:05:33 am
You've got to love someone who can stay sexy when tortured as much as Dean is. That poor guy! Good pick, Molly.
7/27/2012 06:53:18 pm
I love Eric from True Blood, he is sarcastic, sexy and so good at being bad.
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 01:07:22 am
Oh Eric *drool*, he is my fav too, Donna. That little smile he gets when he's being bad. He is the best!
7/28/2012 02:28:57 am
I know this sounds odd, but it's Robert Downey, Jr.--something so elfin and sexy about him--and self-deprecating. He was in a little movie about a woman who goes to Italy I believe to meet her true love & he steps in (Only You with marisa Tomei). Heartache/throb all at once. meredithATmeredithellsworthDOTcom
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 02:46:18 am
Not odd at all. Robert Downey, Jr. is as sexy as you can get. Good description, elfin and self-depreciating, kind of like he's sorry he's so hot! I just put this movie in my Netflix queue. Thanks, M.S!
Mary Doherty
7/28/2012 07:01:25 am
I not much of a TV or movie person, I'll have to give you my favorite book hero and that would be Gabriel St. Croix from "Broken Wing" by Judith James.
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 02:45:22 pm
Good for you for reading more and less TV, Mary. Broken Wing sounds interesting, I will have to check it out.
Kaylyn D
7/28/2012 11:22:39 am
Nathan Fillion as Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds in Firefly! I love him because he is extremely loyal to his crew. Thank you for the giveaway.
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 02:47:19 pm
Didn't you just cry when that series ended, Kaylyn? Mal was the best! I think Nathan Fillion is now in Castle, which really needs to come to Netflix soon.
7/28/2012 11:29:07 am
My favorite hero is Julian from RJ Scott's A Better Man...He's strong, tender, and loves with every ounce he has.
Naomi Bellina
7/28/2012 02:50:12 pm
Okay, another book for me to check out. Thanks for the tip, Yvette.
Daniel M
7/28/2012 05:16:14 pm
Antonio Banderas in the Zorro movies
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 07:25:48 am
That's two for Antonio Banderas. Zorro was indeed a great hero, Daniel.
Lisa G
7/29/2012 02:47:47 am
My favorite would have to be Mr Darcy (played by Colin Firth) in the BBC production of Pride & Prejudice. Handsome, protective of the people important to him, smart, & willing to change when the woman he loves shows him he needs to.
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 07:27:15 am
I haven't seen that show, Lisa, but Mr. Darcy does sound like the perfect hero. Lots of good qualities.
Carin W
7/29/2012 07:59:08 am
I love Iron Man or maybe to be more correct I should say I think Robert Downey Jr is hot hot hot! :O) Carin
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 01:20:25 pm
Robert Downey Jr. would be the perfect anything! But yes, Carin, he was outstanding in Iron Man.
Lona Stringer
7/29/2012 08:09:34 am
I'm gonna go with Orlando Bloom as Legolas in Lord of the Rings, he is soo yummy. Thx for giveaway.
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 01:21:46 pm
Orlando Bloom did such a great job as Legolas. A true hero, Lona!
7/29/2012 11:37:44 am
My favorite is Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings movies.
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 01:31:17 pm
Another Lord of the Rings fan. Hello, Jan! Aaragorn was a great character, and Viggo Mortensen was the perfect hunkolicious guy to play him.
Kelly R
7/29/2012 11:46:50 am
I have to agree Antonio Banderas in the Zorro movies..
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 01:32:39 pm
What is it about Zorro we love so much? Guess we just all have good taste, Kelly.
7/29/2012 12:34:55 pm
Huge fan of Batman right now...Christian Bale is one sexy super hero!
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 01:37:54 pm
I've heard mixed reviews about The Dark Knight, but we still love Batman, and you're right, Brunette Librarian, Christian Bale is Sexy with a captial S!
Ayla Barrow
7/29/2012 02:49:51 pm
I have two, well really they just have to go together.....Sam & Dean Winchester are my favorite TV heroes. Always doing what they can to save the world with no recognition....OK I admit there are also pretty easy on the eyes as well lol.
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 04:27:47 pm
Another vote for those supernatural guys. They are hot, Ayla, and we do love them for keeping us safe.
Lisa Walker
7/29/2012 03:15:22 pm
My favorite book hero is Roarke from J.D. Robb's In Death series.
Naomi Bellina
7/29/2012 04:31:06 pm
You made me go check out this series, Lisa. It's going on my TBR pile!
7/29/2012 05:43:47 pm
I don't watch much tv or movies. I do love Wolverine from the X-Men movies (Hugh Jackman=HOTTIE). He is intelligent, fights for what is right, cares for others, and is SEXY, lol.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:28:37 am
Wolverine is a great hero, June. You're so right, aside from being super sexy, he's got wonderful traits.
deb p
7/29/2012 06:22:23 pm
Atticus Finch, from "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Maybe not sexy but noble.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:30:18 am
Nice choice for a hero, Deb. Not sexy in the traditional sense, but noble is certainly a turn on.
cathy m
7/29/2012 07:06:32 pm
Original favorite hero was Duncan McCloud. He had strength, humor and was the ultimate protector.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:31:58 am
He did have a fantastic sense of humor, didn't he, Caity? I guess you develop one after living so long!
Michelle Bledsoe
7/29/2012 07:27:55 pm
I personally like Christian Kane from Leverage. He's a country boy who likes to be the hero and has a tender heart for those he protects.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:34:33 am
Another show I had to look up. Christian Kane looks yummy, and I'm also a sucker for a guy with a tender heart.
7/30/2012 01:22:18 am
I love Ian Somerhalder as Damon from The Vampire Diaries.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:36:37 am
Vampire Diaries is on my list of shows to watch. I will certainly check out Ian Somerhalder when I do, Jan. Thanks for the tip!
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:38:22 am
Are you, by any chance, a Batman fan, Njoki? *grin* He's received a lot of votes. He is indeed a favorite hero.
7/30/2012 02:53:12 am
I dont waich many movies that have Heros. I really like Magic Mike with Matthew Maconhey. Thanks for the giveaway.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 12:44:08 pm
Finally! A little beefcake for us ladies! I heard Magic Mike was fun, and Mathew McConaughey almost naked...yummy. He's kind of a hero, Laura, since he was brave enought to make that movie.
7/30/2012 03:08:10 am
Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy has to be the best hero ever. His dark eyes can say a thousand words with just one look!
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 12:45:47 pm
Another vote for Mr. Darcy. How poetic, Paula. I love your comment!
janice padgett
7/30/2012 04:13:59 am
My favorite has always been Peter Wingfield's Methos. He is not exactly the hero but a survivor. He tries to be a better person because of MacCloud but history has taught him that sometimes you have to look out for Number One.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 12:50:22 pm
I miss Highlander. Methos was a great character, Janice, and you sure got it right. He learned how to survive, and it wasn't always pretty. I'm remembering a great line, something about pillaging...
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 12:51:31 pm
Hello Linda! Good to hear from you. Antonio is the man!
Christine S
7/30/2012 06:18:17 am
My favorite TV Hero is Steve McGarrett from Hawaii 5-0 not only is he scrumptious, his background as a Navy Seal on the show is the frosting on the cake! He can rescue me any time at all!
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 12:58:38 pm
Okay, I just had to play the 5-0 theme song, and I spilled my water all over the place while dancing to it. Good thing I wasn't drinking wine! Yep, Steve McGarrett is a great hero, Christine. Let's move to Hawaii and get in trouble.
7/30/2012 06:23:28 am
Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) from NCIS. Sometimes a man just doesn't have to say much. Just a look will do. Thank you for participating in this blog hop!
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:03:50 pm
Sometimes it's even better when they don't say much, Jessie. Smoldering looks are always delicious.
Lena Grey
7/30/2012 10:08:52 am
Serengil from Nightrunner Series
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:07:12 pm
I found a bunch of reviews for this on Shelfari, Lena. It looks like a great series.
MicheleAnn Oboyle
7/30/2012 10:19:42 am
i love vampire heros they have are unlike any other hero that is whar makes them different [email protected]
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 01:10:29 pm
Good observation, Angelwolf. Vampire heroes are unique. They operate under a whole different set of rules.
Renee B
7/30/2012 01:09:28 pm
Eric from True Blood is my favorite.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 05:27:21 pm
Nice vampire doodle, Renee. Eric is a hottie, and kind of a hero in his own way.
Larissa Rodgers
7/30/2012 01:27:41 pm
Hmmm....hero in a show or movie. What about Batman :) Thanks for the chance to win! raynman1979 at yahoo dot com
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 05:29:35 pm
Batman seems to be pulling ahead as the favorite. It could help he just had a movie out! He is a true, legendary hero, Larissa, thanks for your comment.
desi reilly
7/30/2012 02:46:35 pm
i like ncsi and then i like the all of them they are great bunch they can work together and then they can aurge and still b efirend abby is kick ass and then the guy who doe te autopsy are great hand for aolder man
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 05:31:34 pm
You're right, Desi, people who can work together are heroes!
7/30/2012 02:52:04 pm
My favorite hero on tv was Macgyver. He was able to work with just a few items and they would get him out of tight spaces and save the day. He wasn't bad to look at either.
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 05:33:52 pm
Oh, Lynn, how could we forget MacGyver! What a great hero he was. Clever, resourceful, good sense of humor, and yes, not bad to look at.
latisha depoortere
7/30/2012 03:06:45 pm
I really love Ian Somerhalder as Damon in The Vampire Diaries Great show one of my favorites! Thank you for the great giveaway!
Naomi Bellina
7/30/2012 05:35:21 pm
Must put Vampire Diaries on my Netflix list. I've got so many great ideas from this hop. Thanks, Latisha!
My favorite hero from when I was a little younger was Keanu Reeves in Speed. He was a hot cop, fiercely protective, and risked his life multiple times for the heroine. Cue the swoon :)
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:30:38 am
Keanu Reeves was indeed swoon-worthy in that role. Thanks for that peek to the past, Ms. Romantic!
7/30/2012 07:49:04 pm
My fave TV hero is Thor because his sexy and strong and funny!
Naom Bellina
7/31/2012 05:31:43 am
Yes, yes, Thor! We love them sexy, strong and funny. Nice pick, Minnie.
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:33:09 am
Thanks, Kintana. You, and all readers are my heroes!
Susan W.
7/31/2012 04:47:17 am
Oh, this is a tough choice! Jason Stathan from the Transporter and Expendable movies is HOT but so is Mark Harmon from NCIS and we can't forget Matt Damon from Bourne Identity! See! Hard to choose! Thanks for the giveaway!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:34:12 am
Okay, you don't have to chose, Suz, you can have them all! Good choices.
7/31/2012 07:15:00 am
My fave TV hero is Gibbs from NCIS. He is always strong and can do anything. Everyone always looks up to him. Thanks for the chance to win!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 11:07:53 am
We love those strong, multi-talented heroes, Jessica. Go Gibbs!
Angela Cisco
7/31/2012 08:01:06 am
(It is so hard to pick just one) I love Derrick Morgan (Shemar Moore) from Criminal minds, he is extremely sexy and he knows it.
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 11:11:09 am
Oooo, I just took a peek at pictures of him. It's okay if he knows he's sexy, he is! Oh, we've decided you don't have to just pick one, Angela.
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 11:12:07 am
Yep, Kim, they don't get much more flawed than House. A good hero choice, though.
Heather Hyde-Herndon
7/31/2012 10:31:51 am
If we're talking movies, I'm totally digging Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes. Whew! ;)
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 11:15:54 am
Gotcha, Feathermaye! He is hot and wild. Love RDJ, love Sherlock. Thanks for reminding me, just added Game of Shadows to Netflick queue.
7/31/2012 11:45:43 am
Woverine is a BAD ,lone wolf but loves & cares deeply!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 03:47:52 pm
Nothing better than a loving wolf, Redz. Wolverine is kind of hot, too!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 03:48:51 pm
Thor is darn near perfect, Mythic. You have excellent taste in heroes!
Brandi S.
7/31/2012 03:20:08 pm
Loved the excerpt! My favorite hero is Damon from The Vampire Diaries TV series. I don't know if he really counts as a hero but he does to me. He is sarcastic, funny, sexy as hell, smart, a vampire, and no matter what the situation is, he always puts what is best for Elena first and protects her even if it means is own life is at risk. That is a hero to me. Thanks for the giveaway!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 03:50:47 pm
Thank you, Flava Sava Chick, glad you enjoyed the excerpt. I can't wait to start watching Vampire Diaries. Damon sounds like the perfect guy, even if he's not a traditional hero.
7/31/2012 03:29:51 pm
Iron man is my favorite! I love him! ;) Thanks for the fun hop and the awesome giveaway! Ya all rock!! :)
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 03:53:03 pm
Wouldn't it be great to have Iron Man in our country, to save us all from the bad guys? Maybe he would like to go out to dinner sometime, too. We can only dream, Shadow.
7/31/2012 04:11:25 pm
-Name a favorite hero from a movie or TV show. Do you love him (or her) because they're smart, funny, sexy, strong?
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:43:42 pm
You are too funny, J! I would never have thought of Monk, but you're right, he has great qualities for a hero. He would appreciate you using an even number.
7/31/2012 04:19:33 pm
I like Zsadist from BDB because he's caring.
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:49:43 pm
I had to look him up, not sure if I found the right person. From Black Dagger Brotherhood? That looks interesting, BN.
7/31/2012 04:23:25 pm
Aragon from The Lord of the Rings is my ideal hero! Handsome, strong, protective, and clever!
Naomi Bellina
7/31/2012 05:52:19 pm
Aragon is the ultimate hero, Ocean. Another one I wouldn't mind having around to protect me, and maybe joining me and Iron Man for dinner.
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