Okay ladies, how many of you have named your body parts? I'm guessing not too many. I call my breasts 'the girls', but haven't given them a proper moniker. As far as assigning a name to my other favorite parts, well, I've never got around to doing that. I never need to call them or have a reason to address them by name, and I don't generally introduce them to anyone.
Is this why men name their penises? Do they talk to them, and present them to people when they come out? Does it help with the self-consciousness of first-time sex, and make peeing in public less awkward? Maybe women are missing a social experience in the bathroom, by having private stalls. Men could be involved in a whole other world, standing at the urinals, getting to know each other via their sex organs. What would I call my lovely spot should I decide it was necessary? I have enough trouble naming the characters in my stories, agonizing over the right one. I would spend hours trying to come up with the perfect name. Maybe that's why this book exists, to give men assistance in their quest. No, I didn't take a peek, it was sealed, but I'm sure it's an enjoyable read. I found this in my local 'adult toy story', and it's also available on Amazon.
9/28/2012 10:39:16 am
My husband calls him Mr. Stiffly and my breasts the girls. Other than that no names and none needed.
Naomi Bellina
9/29/2012 09:38:56 am
Cute name!
10/2/2012 04:58:57 pm
I think they name it because it has a mind of its own! Remember Robin Williams' quote about how God gave men two heads but only enough blood to control one at a time!
Naomi Bellina
10/3/2012 04:46:19 am
That was a great quote, and oh so true!
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